Including Research & Scientific Support
If you wish to understand the universe, think of energy, frequency and vibration Nikola Tesla
Heal Body, Mind, Spirit, Family Tree
Change History - Reclaim Agency - Release the Future
Guilt Release, Replacement & Modulation Process
In an experimental psychology thesis research by the author into guilt and guilt behavior in 1972 the studies available at that time had focused on the correlations between personal guilt levels and individual conscience strength. In the studies then available, a theoretic relationship between conscience strength was often correlated with the depth or degree of personal religious belief. Much of the research utilized written questionnaires designed to identify both the strength of conscience and religious belief as well as the strength of guilt and guilt behavior. Not surprisingly from a statistical perspective, study participants with strong religious beliefs had tested as having higher levels of guilt than others.
However, the aspect of this research that struck me at the time was that the difference in test scores between those considered to be religious subjects and the others, or non-religious, was only marginally different (e.g. barely statistically significant), and that, in fact, generally all the subjects tested exhibited a rather high level of guilt. More recent studies have found variations due to cultural and religious factors but continue to demonstrate guilt and guilt behavior as essentially a universal given in the human psyche. So, though maybe not totally surprising, this begs the question: if everybody has it, where is this almost universal guilt coming from and what is its significance?
The various studies and the literature recognize that guilt can have positive as well as negative behavioral effects but research into the subject, including our own, suggests that the negatives tend to seriously outweigh the positives and that much of the reason for this is that the low frequencies associated with guilt feelings (e.g. log 38 -45) tend to settle in certain levels of the unconscious and neural structures where they interfere with constructive operations involving otherwise beneficial mechanisms including brain wave functions.
For the objectives of the current therapeutic Process the various causes and effects of guilt and its relationships to other emotions and behavior studied by the more recent scientific community have been addressed along with what may be more important—that is, the relationship between guilt in the unconscious or subconscious mind (where it is primarily located and where it does a good deal of its damage) and conscious behavior. This appears to be an important aspect that has not really been addressed by the scientific literature even though Freud would certainly have been interested in this topic.
These unconscious factors are proving major contributors to the potential level of personal guilt and its effects upon behavior—whether negative or positive, and almost without exception regardless of religious orientation. Consequently, within the course of all our work, and particularly within the context of the present subject, we find it unwise and impractical to ignore the reality of universal principles of behavior that correspond to the laws that govern the Universe. Social, cultural, religious and philosophical contexts may play a role in shaping personal values and more's that may relate to guilt but do not in and of themselves account for the levels of guilt in the world’s populations. There is a qualitative difference between social transgression and moral transgression.
Consequently, we have found a profound relationship in the human psyche among: a) the laws by which the Universe is governed; b) the level at which the unconscious mind has attuned itself to such principles, and; c) the effect that this unconscious operational database has on conscious behavior. In this relationship we have two basic factors: 1) how developed is the unconscious database with respect to universal truths, and 2) what is the level of congruence between the unconscious and the conscious mind as expressed or demonstrated in conscious behavior? These factors can be but are not necessarily related to personal client religious convictions. Rather, they appear to be rooted in something more primal than conscious beliefs.
Assuming a role for the effects, directly or indirectly, of universal laws or principles, the unconscious-to-conscious behavior relationship, though profound, is also complicated by the degree to which universal truths have been incorporated by members of the family and the family ancestry. This effect can also be deep within the unconscious not to mention the genes. Other types of potentially disruptive elements residing in the unconscious can also complicate matters. Such disruptive elements or programs have arrived there through early life stress situations, childhood trauma, complex relationships with care givers, skewed perceptions and misconceptions of reality, and generational/epigenetic components such as embedded unconscious programs—all vying for control of conscious (though often unwitting) behavior.
And to further complicate matters we have found that that the unconscious or subconscious mind has three operational levels with some differentiation of function and content in each, and that movement of content and elements between these levels may be step-wise in some instances and leapfrogged in others. We have found that most of the guilt (62% on average), and that which is most negatively causative, normally resides in the very lowest layer of the unconscious. Since it is at this lowest level of the unconscious that low frequency delta waves originate and at which universal consciousness and intuition may otherwise flourish, the presence of low frequency (as measured in light/Truth log values) guilt serves to block and impede these beneficial functions of the client psyche. Ideally normal healthy delta waves may be liberated to move up into consciousness and orchestrate in a dance with high frequency gamma waves for eureka type moments of insight. Whereas, generational components of guilt are distributed within the strands of DNA and in morphic and family energy fields which require, therefore, different approaches for positive resolution.
There is a relationship between brain wave frequencies in Hertz as well as emotional content frequencies in log values related to both content and conscious/unconscious brain/mind map location. This can be used diagnostically and for programming purposes where permitted. Healing the negative effects of guilt generally require moving that which resides in the unconscious into levels of the mind/body where it can be more effectively processed. Interestingly, human negative emotions such as guilt, anger and fear can be both localized (including organs) and distributed with energetic elements or traces found in virtually every cell of the body. Acquired unconscious guilt resides mainly in the amygdalae and hypothalamus and must, consequently, be dislodged from there. Whereas the DNA involved can in some cases be modified or repaired, epigenetic expression of the DNA is generally the therapeutic rout that can be taken most effectively. Morphic and family energy field issues could be considered as part of the client epigenome but may require a separate type of Neuro-Genix (NG) Processing.
For optimal mental, spiritual, emotional and physical health (which are all interrelated) these components of the entire psyche and human energetic/informational systems are to be exhaustively identified and modified through this NG Process and, if necessary subsequent iterations of the Process and other relevant NG Processes, to the extent necessary for ideal health and wellness. Consequently, the dynamics of guilt are to be managed and modulated to enhance the beneficial aspects and the negative effects released and re-programed to the extent permitted by the client willingness and the powers of Creation.
For most people guilt is a bad deal that affects them in ways they do not perceive or understand and that deserves to be addressed and dealt with.