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Neuro-Genix Process Step Details - Alphabetical

Numbers appearing after each Process step refer to page numbers in the original NG Process. The number of pages may range from 5 to well over 100.

NG Addiction Release Process (ARP)


Definition of Addiction. 2

Pre-Process Steps. 3

Process Flow & Clearing Instructions. 3

Impediments Step. 3

Entities Step. 3

Fragment Reconnection Step. 4

Grounding Step. 4

Parent Imbalance Step. 4

Intelligent Process Flow Instruction & Request. 4

Call to the Energetic Direct Organ/Circuit Activation/Modulation Utility (EDOCAM). 4

Call to the Celestial Field Orientation Attunement Utility (CFOAU). 4

Initial Process Steps. 5

Initial Session Scan. 5

ΔFosB and Other Cascade Effects. 6

Energetic Field Influences. 7

Modulation of Prefrontal Cortex, Right Ventral Striatum & Dopamine Release. 8

Non-Biological Factors in Addictive Behavior. 8

Personality Types and Addiction. 9

Short-Circuited Learning. 9

Closed or Obsessive Loop Factors. 10

ADHD and Sensory Dysfunction as Addictive Behavior. 11

Accident Proneness as an Addictive Behavior. 12

PTSD as an Addictive Behavior. 12

Epigenetic Effects. 13

Particular Histone (HDAC5) Positive Selective Effects Addressed. 14

Additional Environmental Interaction Factors. 14

Microbiome (gut flora environment) as a Factor. 16

Prurient Data Session Scan. 16

Stream of Consciousness Disruption Factors. 17

Identification of Disruptive Linkages. 17

Identification of Improper Linkages. 17

Session Scan for Dysfunctional Beliefs, Predispositions, etc. 18

Related Entity/Chord Repolarization, Expulsion, etc. 18

Session Scan for Involvement of Humans and Human Spirits. 18

Anxiety Roots Session Scan. 19

Amygdala Reset Scan. 20

Detection and Shielding of Evil Intent. 20

Identification & Modulation of Prurient & Narcissistic Elements. 20

Anxiety Feedback Loop Scan. 21

Consolidation in to Larger Scale Systems. 21

Particular Sexual Addiction Factors. 21

Further Identification & Classification of Sexually Addictive Disorders. 22

Normalization of Perception of Sexual Cues. 23

Satanic Abuse Factors Addressed. 24

Glial Cell Transformations. 25

Auricular Acupoint Energetic Enactment Treatment. 26

Summation Steps. 28

Final Clearing. 30

Call to Celestial Field Orientation Attunement Utility. 30

Call to ERPP Process if Indicated. 30

Conclusion. 30

NG Modified CCM Deep Channel Clearing Process (DCCP)




Fragment Reconnection Step. 2

Grounding Step. 2

Survival Switching Step. 2

Parental Imbalance Step. 2

Intelligent Process Flow Instruction & Request. 2

Call to the Energetic Direct Organ/Circuit Activation/Modulation Utility (EDOCAM). 3

Call to the Celestial Field Orientation Attunement Utility (CFOAU). 3









Call to Celestial Field Orientation Attunement Utility. 5

Call to ERPP Process if Indicated. 5


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NG Childhood Trauma and Sexual Abuse Process (CT/SARP)


Pre-Process Steps. 2

Clearing & Process Flow Instructions. 2

Entity Clearing Step. 3

Fragment Reconnection. 3

Grounding. 3

Parental Imbalance Step. 3

Intelligent Process Flow Instruction & Request. 3

Call to the Energetic Direct Organ/Circuit Activation/Modulation Utility (EDOCAM). 4

Call to the Celestial Field Orientation Attunement Utility (CFOAU). 4

Initial Session Scan. 4

Traumagenic Client/Host Session Scan and Instructions. 4

Perpetrator Identification and Client/Host Energetic Chords/Roots Session Scan. 5

Sexualization Definition and Effects Addressed. 5

Behavioral Effects of Traumatic Client/Host Sexualization Addressed. 6

Effects of Client/Host Betrayal Elements Addressed. 7

Effects of Resultant Client/Host Powerlessness Addressed. 8

Role of Client/Host Stigmatization Addressed. 9

Client/Host Neurological Effects and Factors Addressed. 10

Sympathetic Nervous System (SNS) Definition. 11

Locus Ceruleus/SNS/Catecholamine System Client/Host Involvement Addressed. 11

Client/Host Limbic-Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal (LHPA) Axis Effects Addressed. 12

Role of the Client/Host Serotonin System Addressed. 14

Impact on Physical Health and the Client/Host Immune System Addressed. 14

Response Systems and Effects of Client/host Neglect Addressed. 15

Childhood Client/Host Brain Development Considerations Addressed. 15

Altered Client/Host Brain Development in Abused Children Addressed. 17

Effects on the Client/Host Prefrontal Cortex Addressed. 19

Client/Host Limbic System and Prefrontal Cortex Effects Addressed. 20

Brain Studies and Social Intelligence as it Relates to Client/Hosts Addressed. 21

Client/Host Neurocognitive Effects Addressed. 22

Client/Host Domestic Violence Effects Addressed. 23

Client/Host Protective Psychobiology Addressed. 23

Adolescent Client/Host Neurological Optimization of Hippocampus/Prefrontal Cortex. 24

Myelin, Cingulate Cortex, Amygdalae and Nucleus Accumbens Rectification. 24

Necessary Client/Host Forgiveness of the Predator or Perpetrators. 25

Additional Client/Host Root Identification, Recycle and Removal Addressed. 25

Detrimental Satanic Effects upon Client/Host Belief & Life Purpose Addressed. 26

Conclusion. 26

Final Process Objectives. 27

Call to Celestial Field Orientation Attunement Utility. 27

Call to ERPP Process if Indicated. 27

Final Clearing. 28

NG Consciousness Interference Release Process (CIRP)


​Pre-Process Steps and Instructions. 2

Generational Participation Addressed. 2

Impediments Step. 2

UCS Clearing Instructions. 2

Entities Step. 3

Fragment Step. 3

Grounding Step. 3

Switching Step. 3

Parent Balance Step. 3

Process Objectives & Stage Set. 4

Process Scriptural Support Step. 4

Intelligent Process Flow Instruction & Request. 5

Call to the Energetic Direct Organ/Circuit Activation/Modulation Utility (EDOCAM). 5

Call to the Celestial Field Orientation Attunement Utility (CFOAU). 5

Initial Session Scan. 5

Stream of Consciousness Disruption Factors. 6

Identification of Disruptive Linkages. 6

Identification of Improper Linkages. 6

Session Scan for Dysfunctional Beliefs, Predispositions, etc. 6

Encroachment/Attachment Distraction Step. 7

Related Entity/Chord Repolarization, Expulsion, etc. 7

Session Scan for Involvement of Humans and Human Spirits. 7

Anxiety Roots Session Scan. 8

Amygdala Reset Scan. 9

Detection and Shielding of Evil Intent. 9

Identification & Modulation of Prurient & Narcissistic Elements. 10

Anxiety Feedback Loop Scan. 10

Archetype Step. 10

Five Element Step. 11

Other Generational Roots of Anxiety & Disconnection. 12

Session Scan for Trust Defects and Remaining Issues. 12

DNA Reprogram Step 1. 13

DNA Reprogram & Sealing Step. 13

Atonement Step. 14

Divine Covenants Step. 15

Ancestors Step. 15

Unconscious Release Process Repetition Step. 16

Integration Reduction/Additional Pathways Step. 16

DM/BT Reference for Synaptic & Communication Pathway Repatterning. 17

Call to Celestial Field Orientation Attunement Utility. 17

Call to ERPP Process if Indicated. 17

Final Programmed Clearing & Thanksgiving. 17

NG Empath Attachment/ Encroachment Release Process (EA/ERP)


​Pre-Process Steps and Instructions. 1

Entity Step. 2

Fragment Reconnection. 2

Grounding. 2

Parental Imbalance. 2

Optimum Flow Intelligence Request. 3

Call to the Energetic Direct Organ/Circuit Activation/Modulation Utility (EDOCAM). 3

Call to the Celestial Field Orientation Attunement Utility (CFOAU). 3

Non-Self Energy Initial Session Scan. 3

Family Field Effects Scanned, Registered and Addressed. 3

Exogenous Energetic Intelligences (EEI’s) Scanned, Registered and Addressed. 4

Consciousness & Performance Interference Addressed. 4

Encroachment/Attachment Maintenance or Non-Maintenance Addressed. 4

Call to Celestial Field Orientation Attunement Utility. 4

Call to ERPP Process if Indicated. 5

Final Clearing. 5

Energy Systems Optimization & Modulation Process (ESOMP)


NG Energy Systems Optimization & Modulation Process. 1

Pre-Process Steps and Instructions. 14

Impediments Utility Step. 14

Clearing Instructions. 14

Entities Step. 14

Fragment Connection Step. 15

Grounding Step. 15

Survival Switching Step. 15

Parent Imbalance Step. 15

Process Flow Intelligence. 15

Call for and Installation of EDOCAM Utility. 16

Call for and installation of ESSWFCR Utility. 16

Call to Celestial Field Orientation Attunement Utility (CFOAU). 16

Comprehensive Process Flow Compression and Auto Scheduling Instructions. 16

Specific ESOMP Processing Instructions. 17

1st or Root/Base (Red) Chakra. 17

Tribal & Group Thought Forms. 17

Root/Base Chakra Early Development & Primitive Reflexes. 18

Root/Base Chakra Early Developmental Stages. 18

0-3 Month Milestones. 18

0-3 Month Abilities. 19

4-6 Month Milestones. 19

4-6 Month Abilities. 20

Accepting Family Environment & Life Path. 21

Belonging & Safety. 21

Veil Closing Effects -Womb to 6 Months. 22

Other 1st Chakra Womb & Birth Issues. 22

1st Chakra Early Developmental Effects. 23

Root/Base Chakra Constellation & Family Field Disturbance Effects Scan. 23

Storing Anger. 23

Change & Moving through Anger. 24

Anger Veiled in Sadness, Disappointment & Frustration. 24

Releasing Anger & Retrieving Power. 24

Cost of Holding Anger & Resultant Organ Weakness/Disease. 26

Anger Towards God as a Victim Game. 26

Hate & Death Wish. 27

Sexual & Other Abuse Chakra Effects & Taking Back Power. 27

Guilt & Shame as Root/Base Chakra Issues. 28

Survival, Possessions & the “Me”. 28

Diseases & Physical Dysfunctions. 28

Love, Trust & the Root/Base Chakra. 29

Fear, Doubt & the Root/Base Chakra. 29

Need to Control 29

Root/Base Weakness & Strength. 30

Weight Gain, Protection & Control as Root Base Chakra Issues. 30

Accidents & the Root/Base Chakra. 31

1st or Root/Base Chakra Clearing, Replacement & Affirmations. 32

To be Replaced with: 32

Energetic/Informational Affirmations: 33

Heart Meridian. 33

Heart Meridian Disharmonies. 33

Excess Patterns. 34

Heart Fire - excess pattern. 34

Phlegm Fire - excess pattern. 34

Phlegm Misting the Mind (Heart). 34

Heart Blood Stagnation. 35

Deficiency Patterns. 35

Heart Blood Deficiency. 35

Heart Qi Deficiency. 36

Heart Yin Deficiency. 36

Heart Yang Deficiency & Yang Collapse. 36

Call to Deep Channel Clearing – Heart Meridian. 37

Small Intestine Meridian. 37

Small Intestine Disharmonies, Pattern Differentiation & Treatment

Etiology of Small Intestine Patterns. 38

Excess Heat in the Small Intestine (Heart Fire Transmits to Small Intestine). 38

Etiology/Pathology: 38

Small Intestine Qi Stagnation. 39

Etiology/Pathology. 39

Small Intestine Qi Obstruction (Acute). 40

Small Intestine Deficiency and Cold (Subcategory of Spleen Yang Deficiency). 41

Etiology/Pathology. 41

Energetic/informational Optimization of the Sex Glands. 41

Shaping Role of Others in Personal Path. 42

Primitive Reflexes & Developmental Stages in the 2nd Chakra. 42

2nd or Sacral Chakra Early Developmental Stages. 43

7-9 Month Development Milestones. 43

7-9 Month Abilities. 44

10-12 Month Milestones. 45

10-12 Month Abilities. 46

13-18 Month Milestones. 47

13-18 Month Abilities. 48

19 – 24 Month Milestones. 50

19-24 Month Abilities. 50

Insights & Creativity. 52

Showing Up in Life & Establish Boundaries. 52

Veil Closing Effects in the 2nd Chakra - 6 Months to 2 ½ Years. 52

Development of the Self. 52

Excessively Open or Closed Sacral Chakra. 53

Sacral Chakra Effects of Sexual Abuse. 53

Sponging, Boundaries & Being at Ease with Self. 53

Birthing, Mother Issues & Weight Gain. 53

Organ & Other Physical Effects. 54

Sex & Money in the Orange Chakra. 54

2nd or Sacral Chakra Registration of Questions & Responses. 54

2nd or Sacral Chakra Clearing, Replacement & Affirmations. 55

Negative Mental/Emotional States. 55

To be Replaced with: Energetic/Information Affirmations. 56

Call to NG Deep Channel Clearing – Small Intestine Channel 56

San Jiao (Triple Warmer/Burner) Pattern Differentiation in Chinese Medicine. 56

Patterns of the San Jiao or Triple Warmer (Burner). 56

Upper Jiao (Burner). 57

Middle Jiao (Burner). 57

Lower Jiao (Burner). 57

Call to the NG Deep Channel Clearing Process – Triple Warmer Channel 58

Pericardium/Circulation and Sex. 58

Protection of the Heart. 58

Taking Accountability. 58

Self Love & Relationships. 59

Balance & Imbalance Effects of the Pericardium Meridian. 59

Psycho-Spiritual & Consciousness Aspects. 59

Clearing & Balancing the Pericardium Channel 60

Call to the NG Deep Channel Clearing Process – Pericardium Channel 60

Thyroid, Adrenal & Pituitary Gland Energetic Signature Optimization. 60

3rd or Solar Plexus/Navel Chakra. 60

Self-Esteem/Self-Worth & Risks. 61

Solar Plexus Chakra Early Developmental Stages. 61

2 – 3 Year Milestones. 61

2-3 Year Abilities. 61

Veil Closing Related Effects – 2 to 4 ½ years. 63

Solar Plexus Front/Back Differentiation. 64

Assimilating Change. 64

Giving Up Power to Others. 64

Control, Fear & God. 64

Weight & Nurture Issues. 65

Digestion, Energy & Focus. 65

Love & Trust. 65

Doubt & Fear. 65

Solar Plexus Chakra Registration of Questions & Responses. 66

3rd or Navel Chakra Clearing, Replacement & Affirmations. 66

3rd Chakra Solar Plexus Fears & Behaviors. 66

Clearings for Solar Plexus Issues. 67

To be Replaced with: 68

Energetic/Information Affirmations. 68

Meng Mein Chakra Addressed. 68

Stomach Meridian & Call to Deep Channel Clearing. 68

Stomach Meridian Disharmonies. 69

Excess Patterns. 69

Stomach Fire. 69

Stomach Excess Cold. 69

Stomach Rebellious Qi 70

Stomach Food Retention. 70

Deficiency Patterns. 70

Stomach Qi Deficiency. 70

Stomach Yin Deficiency. 71

Spleen Meridian & Call to Deep Channel Clearing. 71

Spleen Meridian Disharmonies. 71

Excess Patterns. 72

Damp-cold. 72

Damp-heat. 72

Deficiency Patterns. 73

Spleen Qi Deficiency. 73

Spleen Qi Sinking. 73

Spleen Qi not controlling the Blood. 73

Spleen Yang Deficiency. 74

Energetic/Informational Optimization of the Pancreas Organ. 74

4th or Heart Chakra. 74

Heart Chakra as Center & Generator of Emotions. 74

Heart Chakra Development Scan (4-6 years). 75

Heart Chakra Developmental Stages Optimization. 75

4-6 Years Skills & Abilities. 75

Veil Closing Effects – 4 to 6 years. 77

Front & Back Heart Chakra Divisions. 77

Learning to Love Self & Others. 77

Betrayal & Loyalty. 77

Heart Chakra Gift Issues. 78

Physical Effects of Heart Chakra Issues. 78

Love & Trust Issues. 78

Fear & Doubt Issues. 79

4th or Heart Chakra Registration of Questions & Responses. 79

4th or Heart Chakra Clearing, Replacement & Affirmations. 79

Clearing of 4th of Heart Chakra Issues: 80

To be Replaced with: 80

Energetic/Information Affirmations. 81

Call to NG Deep Channel Clearing – Spleen Channel 81

Liver Meridian. 81

Liver Meridian Disharmonies. 82

Excess Patterns. 82

Liver Qi Stagnation. 82

Liver Blood Stagnation. 82

Liver Cold Stagnation. 83

Liver Fire. 83

Liver Wind. 83

Liver Yang. 84

Damp Heat in the LV & GB. 84

Deficiency Patterns. 84

Liver Blood Deficiency. 84

Call to NG Deep Channel Clearing – Liver Channel 85

Gallbladder Meridian. 85

Call to NG Deep Channel Clearing – Gall Bladder. 86

Heart Meridian Disharmonies. 86

Excess Patterns. 87

Heart Fire. 87

Phlegm Fire. 87

Phlegm Misting the Mind (Heart). 87

Heart Blood Stagnation. 88

Deficiency Patterns. 88

Heart Blood Deficiency. 88

Heart Qi Deficiency. 89

Heart Yin Deficiency. 89

Heart Yang Deficiency & Yang Collapse. 89

Call to NG Deep Channel Clearing – Heart Channel 90

Liver Meridian Disharmonies. 90

Excess Patterns. 91

Liver Qi Stagnation. 91

Liver Blood Stagnation. 91

Liver Cold Stagnation. 91

Liver Fire. 92

Liver Wind. 92

Liver Yang. 92

Damp Heat in the Liver & GallBladder. 93

Deficiency Patterns. 93

Liver Blood Deficiency. 93

Call to NG Deep Channel Clearing – Heart Channel 94

Spleen Meridian Disharmonies. 94

Excess Patterns. 94

Damp-cold. 94

Damp-heat. 95

Deficiency Patterns. 95

Spleen Qi Deficiency. 95

Spleen Qi Sinking. 95

Spleen Qi not controlling the Blood. 96

Spleen Yang Deficiency. 96

Call to NG Deep Channel Clearing – Spleen Channel 96

Heart Pattern Differentiation in Chinese Medicine. 97

Etiology of Heart Patterns: 97

Emotions Affecting the Heart. 97

Heart Qi Deficiency. 97

Heart Yang Deficiency. 98

Heart Blood Deficiency. 99

Heart Yin Deficiency. 100

Heart Fire Blazing. 101

Heart Blood Stagnation. 102

Stomach Meridian Disharmonies. 104

Excess Patterns. 104

Stomach Fire. 104

Stomach Excess Cold. 105

Stomach Rebellious Qi 105

Srtomach Food Retention. 105

Deficiency Patterns. 105

Stomach Qi Deficiency. 105

Stomach Yin Deficiency. 106

Liver & Gallbladder Pattern Differentiation in Chinese Medicine 106

Etiology of Liver Patterns: Emotions. 107

Liver Qi Stagnation. 107

Etiology/Pathology: 108

Liver Blood Stagnation. 109

Blazing Liver Fire. 110

Etiology: 110

Liver Blood Deficiency. 111

Etiology. 111

Liver Yang Rising/Ascending. 112

Cold Stagnation in the Liver Channel 114

Etiology/Pathology: 114

Damp-Heat in the Liver and Gallbladder. 115

Etiology. 115

Gallbladder Patterns. 116

Etiology/Pathology. 116

Damp-Heat in the Gallbladder. 117

Etiology/Pathology. 118

Western Conditions. 118

Gallbladder Deficiency. 119

Etiology. 119

Lung Meridian Disharmonies. 120

Excess Patterns. 120

Wind-Cold Invasion. 120

Wind-Heat Invasion. 120

Damp-Phlegm Obstructing. 121

Phlegm-Heat Obstructing - excess pattern. 121

Deficiency Patterns. 122

Lung Qi Deficiency. 122

Lung Yin Deficiency. 122

Lung Dryness. 123

Call to NG Deep Channel Clearing – Lung Channel 123

Large Intestine Meridian. 123

Perfectionism.. 124

Large Intestine Organization & Transport. 124

Large Intestine Imbalances. 124

The Metal Element & Consciousness. 125

Clouded Thoughts & Behaviors. 125

Grief & the Large Intestine Meridian. 125

Physical Large Intestine Process Benefits. 125

Mental Benefits. 126

More Serious Conditions Addressed. 126

Call to NG Deep Channel Clearing – Large Intestine Channel 126

Energetic/informational Optimization of the Thyroid & Thymus Glands. 126

5th or Throat Chakra. 127

Will & Self Expression. 127

5th or Throat Chakra Developmental Stages. 127

6+ Years Abilities. 127

5th Chakra Veil Closing Issues. 129

Truth, Lying & Alignment. 130

Truth vs My Story. 130

Throat Chakra Related Health Issues. 131

Love & Trust. 131

Doubt & Fear. 131

5th or Throat Chakra Registration of Questions & Responses. 131

5th or Throat Chakra Clearing, Replacement & Affirmations. 131

Clearing of 5th of Throat Chakra Issues. 132

To be Replaced with: 132

Affirmations. 133

Lung Meridian. 133

Lung Meridian Parenting Effects. 133

Functions of the Lungs as "Lid of the Yin Organs". 133

Lung Meridian Disharmonies. 134

Excess Patterns. 134

Wind-Cold Invasion. 134

Wind-Heat Invasion. 134

Damp-Phlegm Obstructing. 135

Phlegm-Heat Obstructing. 135

Deficiency Patterns. 136

Lung Qi Deficiency. 136

Lung Yin Deficiency. 136

Lung Dryness. 137

Call to NG Deep Channel Clearing – Lung Channel 138

Large Intestine Meridian. 138

Perfectionism.. 138

Large Intestine Organization & Transport. 139

Large Intestine Imbalances. 139

The Metal Element & Consciousness. 139

Clouded Thoughts & Behaviors. 139

Grief, Guilt & the Large Intestine Meridian. 140

Physical Large Intestine Process Benefits. 140

Mental Benefits. 140

More Serious Conditions Addressed. 141

Call to NG Deep Channel Clearing – Large Intestine Channel 141

Energetic/informational Optimization of the Thyroid & Thymus Glands. 141

6th or Brow Chakra (Age 8 ½ TO 14). 141

Managing Difference between Truth & Illusion. 142

Clarity & Purpose. 142

Inner Vision, Intuition & Clairvoyance. 142

3rd Eye & Mind Center. 142

6th Chakra Mental & Physical Issues. 143

6th or Brow Chakra Registration of Questions & Responses. 143

6th or Brow Q & A Processing. 143

6th or Brow Chakra Clearing, Replacement & Affirmations. 144

To be Replaced with: 144

Energetic/Informational Affirmations. 145

Central Vessel Meridian. 145

Unity of Opposites. 145

Conception Vessel Physiological Issues. 146

Call to NG Deep Channel Clearing – Central Vessel Channel 146

Governing Vessel Meridian. 146

Governing Vessel Physical Issues & Actions. 147

Call to NG Deep Channel Clearing – Governing Vessel Channel 147

Energetic/informational Optimization of the Pituitary, Pineal & Hypothalamus Glands. 147

7th or Crown Chakra (Chakra of the Spirit) 14 to. 147

Purple/Crown Chakra Issues with God & Self-Righteousness. 148

Issues with Parents. 148

Dwelling or Loitering in the Purple/Crown Chakra. 148

7th Chakra Effects Related to Veil Closings. 148

Tendencies to Judge Others. 149

Difficulties with Spiritual Gifts. 150

7th or Crown Chakra Registration of Personal Queries. 150

7th or Crown Chakra Querie Response Registration. 150

7th or Crown Chakra Clearing, Replacement & Affirmations. 150

Clearing. 151

To be Replaced with: 151

Energetic/Informational Affirmations. 151

Kidney Meridian. 151

Kidney Meridian Disharmonies. 152

Deficiency Patterns. 152

Kidney Qi Deficiency. 152

Kidney Yin Deficiency. 153

Kidney Yang Deficiency. 153

Kidney Jing Deficiency. 154

Call to NG Deep Channel Clearing – Kidney Channel 154

Bladder Meridian. 155

Call to NG Deep Channel Clearing – Bladder Channel 155

Bladder Pattern Differentiation. 155

Etiology of Bladder Patterns. 155

Damp Heat in the Bladder. 156

Etiology. 156

Damp Cold in the Bladder. 156

Etiology/Pathology. 156

Bladder Deficiency & Cold. 157

Etiology/Pathology. 157

Call to NG Deep Channel Clearing – Bladder Channel 157

Energetic/informational Optimization of the Pineal Gland. 158

Registration & Processing of Combined Organ Patterns. 158

Liver Invading the Spleen. 158

Liver Invading the Stomach. 160

Liver Fire Injuring the Lungs. 161

Spleen and Lung Deficiency. 162

Spleen and Liver Blood Deficiency. 163

Spleen Dampness with Liver Stagnation. 164

Turbid Phlegm Affecting the Head. 166

Complex Channel Acupoint Connection Points. 167

Qi, Emotions & Life Purpose. 167

Inner & Outer Emotional Dynamics. 167

The 7 Emotions. 168

The 7 Stages of Life. 168

Jing, Ling & Shen. 168

The 5 Element Constitution & Physical Patterns. 169

The 5 Element Psychological & Spiritual Patterns. 171

The 5 Element Cycles. 172

Generation/Shen Cycle (a.k.a. Creation, Nourishment or Mother Cycle). 172

Control/Ko Cycle (a.k.a. Destruction Cycle). 172

Overacting (Chen) Cycle. 172

Insulting (Wu) Cycle. 172

Spirit Point Groupings & Balances. 173

Destiny Balance: 173

Primal Axis Balance: 173

Evoking Miracles & Fulfilling Potential 173

Unity in Opposites. 174

Individual Spirit Points. 174

Scan of Corby Acupoint Connection Points for Retained Issues. 175

Acupoint Groupings Application Scan. 180

Five Shu Points Theory and Applications. 180

Five Element Points. 182

Lower He Sea Points of the 6 Fu (Yang) Organs. 182

Xi-Cleft Points –. 182

Yuan - Source Points. 183

Luo - Connecting Points –. 184

Back Shu Points –. 185

Front Mu Points –. 186

Hui - Meeting Points. 186

Extraordinary Vessel - Master Coupled Points. 187

Command Points: 191

The Four Seas –. 191

Window of the Sky Points. 192

Thirteen Ghost Points (from Sun Si Miao). 193

Entry Exit Points. 193

Shokanten Points & the Nine Continent Pulses. 194

Integration with Physiological & Other Energy Systems. 195

Generic Material Integration & Processing Step. 195

Conclusions. 196

Final Process Objectives. 197

Call to ERPP Process if Indicated. 197

Final Clearing. 197

NG Autism Spectrum Rectification Process (ASRP)


Pre-Process Steps and Instructions. 5

Impediments Utility Step. 5

Clearing Instructions. 5

Entities Step. 5

Fragment Connection Step. 5

Grounding Step. 6

Survival Switching Step. 6

Parent Imbalance Step. 6

Process Flow Intelligence. 6

Call for and Installation of EDOCAM Utility. 7

Call for and installation of ESSWFCR Utility. 7

Call to Celestial Field Orientation Attunement Utility. 7

Comprehensive Process Flow Compression and Auto Scheduling Instructions. 7

Infantile Reduced Attention to Audiovisual Integration & Synchrony in ASD.. 8

Associated Autophagic Abnormalities. 8

Synaptic (Neural) Spine Abnormalities in ASD.. 8

Dendritic Spine Density Abnormalities. 9

Shaping Dendritic Spines in ASD: mTORC1-Dependent Macroautophagy. 10

mTOR as a Central Regulator of Cellular Processes. 10

Elevated mTORC1, Reduced Autophagy & Increased Spine Density. 10

mTORC-1 Signaling and Autophagic Normalization. 11

mTORC-1 Dependent Translation-Independent Signaling Cascade Effects. 11

mTOR, Social Interaction Deficits, Mutations & Common Biological Pathways. 12

Restoration of Appropriate Autophagic Pruning. 12

Postzygotic Mosaic Mutations Relevant to ASD.. 13

Pertinent Timeline & Location of Mosaic Mutations in ASD.. 13

Exonic Mosaic Mutations Risk Contribution to ASD.. 14

Dysregulated Protein Synthesis in ASD.. 14

Excessive Protein Synthesis, Lysosome Effects & Other Cellular Anomalies. 14

Temporal Cortex Involvement. 15

Altered Responses to Social Chemosignals in ASD.. 15

Misreading of Emotional Cues & Impaired Social Communication. 15

Exaggerated Cap-Dependent Translation with Synaptic & Behavioral Aberrations. 16

Relationship of Sense of Smell to Early Development. 16

Overexpression in the EIF4E Protein Coding Gene in ASD.. 16

Potential Role of Single Nucleotide Insertion in the EIF4E Promoter. 17

Increased EIF4E Expression in the Striatum & Hippocampus. 17

The Role of mGluR’s (Metabotropic Glutamate Receptors) in ASD.. 18

Abnormal mGluR5 Signaling & Signaling Complexes. 18

mGluR5–Homer (Scaffold Protein) Regulate Signaling to PI3K & mTOR. 19

Associated Homer-mGluR5 Scaffold Functions. 19

Overactivated mGluR Signaling & Aberrant Protein Synthesis in ASD.. 19

Protein Translation & Induction of Translation-Dependent Long-term Synaptic Plasticity. 20

Modulation of PIKE (Pl 3-Kinease Enhancer) in ASD.. 20

Dysregulated mTOR Signaling, Impaired Synaptic Plasticity, Aberrant Spine Morphology. 21

mTORC2 and its role in ASD.. 21

Role of Dysregulation of mTOR-Dependent Signaling. 22

Decreased Interhemispheric Functional Connectivity in Autism.. 22

Autistic Abnormalities in Long-range, Functional Connectivity. 23

White Matter Pathways and Corpus Callosal Volume. 23

Attenuated Transcallosal Connectivity Further Identified in ASD.. 24

Latent and Abnormal Functional Connectivity Circuits in ASD.. 24

Related Interhemispheric Communication Degradation & Constraints. 24

Low Frequency Fluctuations in Cerebral Blood Flow, Hyper & Hypoconnectivity. 25

Abnormal or Disrupted Network Connectivity Regions Identified. 25

Frontal Lobe Abnormalities Associated with Severe Higher-Order Impairment. 26

Latent Differentially Expressed Networks Identified. 26

High Degree of Organization in Related Disrupted Neural Networks. 26

Striatal Direct Pathway 2-Arachidonoylglycerol Signaling in Sociability & Repetitive Behavior. 27

Potential Role of Excessive Glyphosate Ingestion. 28

Neuroimmune Role of Glia in ASD.. 28

Glial Surveillance & Regulation of Neural Environments. 29

Cerebellar Glial Hyperactivity & Purkinje Cells Role in ASD.. 29

Potential Beneficial Microglia & Astrocyte Modulation. 30

The Gut–Brain Axis in Childhood Developmental Disorders. 30

Associated Autistic Intestinal Conditions. 31

Autistic Symptom Progression Related to Gastrointestinal Environment. 31

Associated Markers of Autistic Related Bowel Disease. 32

Associated Lesions, Hyperplasia and Enterocolitis. 32

Relationship to Hepatic Encephalopathy Addressed. 33

Autistic Related Intestinal Pathology Summary and Rectification. 33

Session Scan of Known/Unknown Genes that Contribute to ASD Symptomatic Behaviors. 33

Prioritization of Relevant Scanned Degradation & Mutation Data. 37

ASD Testing Data Correlated with Normal Transhemispheric/Transcollosal Communication Stages. 37

Inter & Transhemispheric Communication Rectification and Modulation. 38

Maternal/Ancestral Source Factors in Autism.. 38

ASD Symptomatic Mutations of Maternal/Generational Origin Considered. 38

Complex Associations between Affected Neural Regions. 39

Individual Variation in ASD Neural and Functional Networks. 40

Pervasive Alterations in ASD Neural Processing. 40

Abnormal Developmental Chains, Connections & Cascades. 40

Higher-Order Cognition Bottlenecks. 41

Hyperlexia: When Lexical-to-Phonological Decoding Outpaces Comprehension. 41

Inversion of Memory Function & Weakened Central Coherence. 41

Executive Deficit and Inadequate Context. 42

Complex Anatomical Correlates & Interactions. 42

Transient Postnatal Macrencephaly. 43

Adult Macrencephalic Compensation. 43

Abnormal Oligodendrocyte Regulation, Myelination & Neuronal Populations. 44

Neurobiological & Genetic Bases of ASD.. 44

Family-Based GABA Receptor & Serotonin Transporter Enhancement. 45

Maternal & Paternal Genetic Abnormality Contributions. 45

DNA Methylation Abnormalities. 46

Aminobutyric Acid & Gene Regulation. 46

Potential Acetylcholine Protein Function in ASD.. 48

Elevated Platelet Serotonin (5-HT). 48

Immunological Signaling in ASD.. 49

Signaling and Rectification Pathways Associated with ASD.. 51

Some Epigenetic Change Factors. 51

Genetic Biomarkers in ASD.. 52

Metabolic Biomarkers in ASD.. 52

Oxidative Stress Biomarkers in ASD.. 53

Mitochondrial Dysfunction Markers in ASD.. 53

Immune Dysregulation & Cytokine Evaluation. 54

Autoimmunity and Maternal Antibodies. 56

Role of Genetic Copy Number Variation (CNV) in ASD.. 56

Dysbiosis as a Contributive Factor. 57

Amino Acids and Neuropeptide Functions. 57

Potential Defects in the Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC). 58

Interdependence of the MHC, Cerebellar Purkinje & Granule Cells. 58

Immunity and Neuronal Plasticity in ASD.. 59

Contributive Factors in Core Dysfunction Including Neural Signal-to-Noise. 59

Reverse Engineering Complex ASD Symptoms into Root Resolutions. 60

Parental & Child Loss of Self-Definition & Role Identity. 61

Other Root Emotions & Mental States Associated with ASD.. 61

Secondary Emotions and Mental States Associated with NG ASD Clinical Work. 62

Empathic Encroachment Effects in ASD Addressed. 63

Inadequate Functioning of Behavioral/Historical Mental/Emotional/Neural Database in ASD.. 63

ASD Data Processing Alterations: What is the Message & Has it Been Received?. 63

Additional Generational Effects. 64

Generic Autism Material Integration & Processing Step. 65

Conclusions. 66

Final Process Objectives. 66

Call to ERPP Process if Indicated. 67

Final Clearing. 67

NG Dual-Core Process (DCP)

    Content Steps:

  1. Pre-Process Steps

  2. Standard Targets Step

  3. Key Emotions Step

  4. Emotions Audit Trail Step

  5. Reverse Ancestral Audit Trail Step

  6. History Removal Step

  7. Salient Emotions Release Step

  8. Morphic Field Step

  9. Forgiveness Step

  10. Five Element Transition Step

  11. Tumor Release Step

  12. Disease Release Step

  13. Addiction Release Step

  14. Fragment Reconnection Step

  15. Entity Release Step

  16. Sexual Abuse & Miasmic Step

  17. Entanglement Release Step

  18. Chakra Frequency Adjustment Step

  19. Release of Regulars Step

  20. Veil Closing Step

  21. Essence Application Step

  22. DNA Program Step

  23. DNA Reprogram & Sealing Step

  24. Atonement Step

  25. Divine Covenants Step

  26. Process Repetition Step

  27. Integration Reduction Step

  28. Call to Celestial Field Orientation Attunement Utility

  29. Call to ERPP Process if Indicated

  30. Conclusion & Benediction

NG Emotion/Belief Audit Trail Process (E/BATP)


Pre-Process Steps and Instructions. 2

Impediments Step. 2

Process Flow & Clearing Instructions. 2

Entities Step. 2

Fragment Step. 2

Grounding Step. 3

Switching Step. 3

Parent Balance Step. 3

Intelligent Process Flow Instruction & Request. 3

Call to the Energetic Direct Organ/Circuit Activation/Modulation Utility (EDOCAM). 3

Call to the Celestial Field Orientation Attunement Utility (CFOAU) 3

Initial Session Scan. 3

Exhaustive Identification of All Compartments, Elements, Habituated and Generalized Effects. 4

Session Scan for Precursory Pre-Mortal Roots & Components. 4

Morphic & Dark Energy Field Influence/Residues Session Scan. 4

Additional Erroneous Belief Details Identified. 4

Games and Self-Deceptive Behaviors Addressed. 5

Opportunistic Trauma and Satanic Deception Step. 5

Normalization of Situations & Environmental Triggers. 5

Normalization & Forgiveness of Persons Involved. 6

Family Field Rectification Step. 6

Family Field Intervention & Participation Step. 6

Final Identification and Clearing of Client/Host Dysfunction “Story” Requirements. 6

Cultural and Communication Channel Deception Detection against Universal/Eternal Truth. 7

Quantum Restoration of Generational & Client Agency Step. 7

Cyclical Quantum Retrocausality Rectification Step. 8

Quantum Retrocausality Projection Effect Step. 9

Residual Qbit Anti-Agency Exhaustive Information Identification & Registration Scan. 9

Anti-Agency Qbit Information Purge & Coherent Reassembly. 9

Call to ERPP Process if Indicated. 10

Clearing Prep & Shielding. 10

Final Stage Preparatory Clearing. 10

Final Clearing. 10

Conclusion. 11

NG Epigenome Modulation Process (EMP)


​Epigenome Definition: 3

Pre-Process Steps and Instructions. 4

Entities Step. 4

Fragment Reconnection Step. 5

Grounding. 5

Parental Imbalance Step. 5

Optimum Process Flow Application Intelligence Request. 5

Call to the Energetic Direct Organ/Circuit Activation/Modulation Utility (EDOCAM). 5

Call to the Celestial Field Orientation Attunement Utility (CFOAU). 6

Call to the Emotional State, Stress & Wave Form Clearing/Reprocess (ESSWFC/R) Utility. 6

Clearing and Process Flow Instructions of Roots & Permissive Mind/Body States. 6

Initial Client/Host Epigenome Session Scan. 7

Additional Session Scans. 7

Initial Epigenetic Discrepancies Session Scan. 8

Nucleosome Properties Addressed. 8

Critical Chromatin Structures Addressed. 9

Optimization of Chromatin Structures Addressed. 9

DNA Methylation and Related Modulation Addressed. 9

Nutritional Support Factors Addressed. 10

Histone Modification Modulation Addressed. 10

Client/Host DNA/Histone Relationship Identification Scan. 10

DNA/Histone Interaction History Registry Scan. 11

Identification of Applicable Histone Modification Proteins and Related Methyl Groups. 11

Histone Specific Base A and C Methylation Modification Addressed

Linker Histone H1 Nucleosome Regulation Supported. 12

Histone H1 Role in Genomic Stabilization and Cancer Protection. 12

Particular Histone (HDAC5) Positive Selective Effects Addressed. 13

Noncoding DNA Factors Addressed. 13

Epigenetic Mechanism’s Dual Nature Addressed. 14

Accommodation of Two Transmission Routes Addressed. 14

Epigenetic Signal Regulation of New Brain Cells. 14

Transposable DNA Element (TE’s) Functions Addressed. 15

Identification of Mutant Alleles and Base Pair Substitutions. 16

Chromosomal Mutations Structure, Function and Inheritance Addressed. 17

Specific Astrocyte/Microglial/TREM2 Genetic Issues Addressed. 17

Feedback Loops Link Energy and its Information to RNA-Mediated Protein Folding. 18

Virus-Driven Energy Theft and mRNA Degradation Addressed. 18

RNA Interference (RNAi) and Chromosomal Rearrangements Addressed. 19

RNA Interference (RNAi) and RNA Modulated System Stability 19

Nutrient Energy Dependent Endogenous DNA Expression  20

RNAi Gene Silencing and Repair Addressed. 21

Energy-Dependent Cell Type Differentiation Addressed. 21

Micro RNA (miRNA) Inhibition of DNA Expression. 22

MicroRNA (miRNA), Chromatin and DNA Organization. 22

Role of Small Interfering RNA (siRNA) Addressed. 23

Untranslated Regions and miRNA’s/piRNA’s Addressed. 24

MiRNA Processing/RNA and DNA Silencing. 25

Down-Regulation of Genes Specifically Addressed. 25

Up-Regulation of Genes Specifically Addressed. 26

NMD Control and Modulation of DNA Expression. 26

Placing and Monitoring Methyl Groups on DNA.. 27

Necessary Removal of Methyl Tags from DNA.. 28

RNA-Modification Therapeutic Application Addressed. 28

Olfactory Effects on Gene Expression and Immune System Function

Entire Nervous System Interface Addressed. 30

Role of Hsp90 Protein and Prions Addressed. 30

FKPB5 Gene Trauma Risk Allele and Methylation Addressed. 30

Common MTHFR Gene Mutation Compensation Addressed. 31

Role of UHRF1 in Genetic Functions, Methylation & DNA Repair 31

Kinesin-3 motor Unc-104 Signaling Mediation of Mutant Synaptic Defects Modulated. 32

Other Pernicious Gene Mutations and Genetic Disorders 32

Microbiome Effects upon DNA Transcription & Chronic Disease 32

Microbiome Effects on Client/Host Agency Addressed. 33

Viral/Bacterial Onset & Residual Effects Addressed. 33

Polycyclic Synthetic Effects Addressed and Modulated. 34

Functional Mechanisms of the Glucocorticoid Receptor (GR) 34

GR-Dependent Gene Transcription Addressed. 34

Genetic Algorithm Gene Encoding and mRNA Splice Variants 35

Types of Glucocorticoid (GR) Responsiveness Addressed. 35

MicroRNA Involvement in Regulation of GR Expression 36

Periphery and CNS Involvement with GR and Depression 36

GR Environment Signaling and Function Homeostasis Maintenance

Specific Astrocyte/Microglial/TREM2 Genetic Issues. 37

The Circadian Rhythm Clockwork Mechanism Optimized & Modulated. 38

Maternal Care and Other Early Life Epigenetic Effects Addressed. 38

Identification and Rectification of Infantile Trauma Induced DNA/Epigenetic Alterations. 39

Sensory, Mental and Emotional Perception Affects & Effects 39

Energetic Signatures and Stealth Information Session Scan. 39

Further DNA Damage Repair Addressed. 40

Genetic/Epigenetic Optimum Life Purpose Performance Scan. 40

Session Scan: Adam/Eve Covenant Considerations Addressed. 41

Deep Transgenerational Epigenetic Effects Addressed. 42

Call to Additional Modified/Extended Neuromodulation Technique (NMT) Pathways. 42

Client/Host Epigenetic History Rectification. 43

Final Information Fault (IF) Translation for Clearing Purposes. 43

Final Data Processing Instructions. 43

Call to Exaltation Repentance Path Process if Indicated. 44

Final Process Objectives Prep. 44

Final Clearing. 44

NG Exaltation Repentance Path Process (ERPP)


Pre-Process Steps and Instructions. 2

Optimum Flow Intelligence Request (HIPFC). 2

Generational Participation Addressed. 2

Clearing Statements Instructions. 3

Impediments Step. 3

Entities Step. 3

Fragment Step. 3

Grounding Step. 4

Survival Switching Step. 4

Parental Imbalance Correction. 4

Process Flow Intelligence. 4

Call to the Energetic Direct Organ/Circuit Activation/Modulation Utility (EDOCAM). 4

Call to the Celestial Field Orientation Attunement Utility (CFOAU). 5

Initial Session Scan. 5

Pre-Mortal & Generational Element Scan. 5

Blockages of Divine Spirit Receptivity Installed in Infancy. 5

Removal of Spirit Blockages via Bearing of Divine Testimony. 6

Client/Host/Spirit Higher Order Receptivity Targets. 6

Unauthorized Source Identification Scan. 7

Satanic Element Identification and Rectification Scan. 7

Scan & Clearing of Any Satanic or Demonic Agreements. 7

Release of Obsessive Thought-Stream Interruptions. 8

Background Material: Principles of Light & Exaltation. 8

Negative Memories Session Scan. 10

Generational and Exogenous Influence Session Scan. 10

Pre-Mortal & Eternal Identification & Application Scan. 10

Prioritization Step. 11

Initial and Cyclical Clearing. 11

White Light Instruction by Authorized Messenger. 11

The Message. 11

Critical Recyclable Note on Obedience. 12

NG Client/Host Obedience Task Script. 12

Necessary to be a Member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. 13

Request for Forgiveness and Courage. 13

Process Flow Pause or Termination as Indicated. 13

Process Resumption or Initiation as Indicated. 14

Activation and Articulation of Client/Host 3rd Level of the Unconscious Mind. 14

Covenant Step. 14

Process Steps for Higher Frequencies. 15

Intercession and the Divine Nature. 15

Stairway to Exaltation Process Step. 15

Call to Celestial Field Orientation Attunement Utility. 16

Conclusion & Clearing. 16

NG Family Field Disturbance Release Process (FFDRP)


Pre-Process Steps and Instructions. 2

Entity Step. 2

Fragment Reconnection. 2

Grounding. 3

Parental Imbalance. 3

Optimum Flow Intelligence Request. 3

Call to the Energetic Direct Organ/Circuit Activation/Modulation Utility (EDOCAM). 3

Call to the Celestial Field Orientation Attunement Utility (CFOAU). 3

Internal Personal Disturbance Session Scan. 3

Ancestor Element Detection Session Scan. 4

Ancestral Element Audit Trails. 4

Field Disturbance Prioritization. 4

Application of Other NG Processes and Clearing. 4

Constellation/Family Field Session Scan and Recruitment. 5

Constellation/Family Field Leadership Responsibilities. 6

Session Scan for Rectification of Harmful Relationships. 6

Family Field Conduits Addressed. 7

Alleviating & Rebalancing Negative Downstream Lineage Effects. 7

Family Relationship Processing Scan. 7

Downstream Lineage Diseases and Dysfunction Effects Scan. 8

Object: to Come unto Christ and be Perfected in Him.. 8

Elimination of Contention, Bitterness and Lack of Forgiveness. 8

Honor of Ancestor’s Mortal Life Experiences and Glorious Potential 9

Ordinances also Necessary. 9

Conclusions and Further Reenactment Simulation. 9

Final Process Objectives. 10

Request for Divine Process Oversight. 10

Divine Order Replacement of Field Chaos & Entropy. 11

Call to Celestial Field Orientation Attunement Utility. 11

Call to ERPP Process if Indicated. 11

Final Clearing. 11

NG Fear Release, Replacement & Modulation Process (FRRMP)


Pre-Process Steps and Instructions. 2

Impediments Utility Step. 2

Clearing Instructions. 2

Entities Step. 3

Fragment Connection Step. 3

Grounding Step. 3

Survival Switching Step. 4

Parent Imbalance Step. 4

Process Flow Intelligence. 4

Call for and Installation of EDOCAM Utility. 4

Call for and installation of ESSWFCR Utility. 4

Call to Celestial Field Orientation Attunement Utility (CFOAU). 5

Comprehensive Process Flow Compression and Auto Scheduling Instructions. 5

Initial Fear Element & Component Session Scan. 5

Fear as Managed & Encoded Across an Array of Neural Systems & Substructures. 5

Role of Distributed Large-Scale Networks. 6

Dorsal & Ventral Periaqueductal Gray (PAG) Orchestration in Innate & Learned Fear Responses. 6

Right Hemispheric Network & Affect-Laden Autobiographical Information. 7

Hypothalamus Role in Subcortical Regions in Emotional Fear Processing. 7

Amygdalae Role in Threat Responses & Cognitive Processing. 7

Context-Dependency of Fear & the Medial Prefrontal Cortex Projections. 8

Fear Behavior Adaptations & the Doral Raphe Nucleus. 8

Role of Somatic & Context-Dependent Knowledge & Memory. 8

Amygdalae’s Role as Neurotransmitter Modulator. 9

Episodic Fear Memory & Autonoetic Consciousness Effects. 9

Episodic Fear & the Cholinergic Ascending System.. 10

Amygdalae/Hippocampal Bidirectional Communication & Episodic Fear Memories. 12

Episodic Memory as a Neurocognitive Fear Related Participant 12

Hippocampal Theta Rhythm and Long-Term Fear Potentiation. 13

Autobiographical Memory as a Neurocognitive Fear Related Participant. 13

Fear’s Pathway to the Subconscious. 14

Dorsal vs Basolateral Fear Processing & Conscious vs Unconscious Processing. 14

Unconscious Fear Bias & Interference in Conscious Feeling & Behavior. 15

State-Dependent Memory Lodged Fear: Accessible Addresses & Editable Contents. 15

Management of microRNA, miR-33 as a Brain’s Neural Fear Protective Mechanism. 16

Cortisol & Oxytocin Hardwired Fear-Based Memories. 16

Glutamate & GABA Modulation of the State-Dependent Hardwired Fear Response. 16

Amygdalae & Hippocampal Complex Links to Independent Memory Systems. 17

Hippocampal-Dependent Memory Recycle/Reappraisal 18

Autonoetic Historical Fear Event Editing. 18

Noetic & Intuitive “Knowing” with respect to Fears & Essential Fear Grounding. 19

Further Processing Steps & Quantum Retrocausality Effects. 20

Generic Fear Material Integration & Processing Step. 21

Conclusions. 22

Final Process Objectives. 23

Call to ERPP Process if Indicated. 23

Final Clearing. 23

NG Generational Miasm Process (GMP)


Definition: 2

Pre-Process Steps and Instructions: 2

Generational Participation Addressed. 2

Clearing Instructions. 2

Entities Addressed. 2

Fragments Addressed. 3

Grounding Step. 3

Switching Addressed. 3

Parental Balancing Addressed. 3

Process Flow Intelligence. 3

Call to the Energetic Direct Organ/Circuit Activation/Modulation Utility (EDOCAM). 4

Call to the Celestial Field Orientation Attunement Utility (CFOAU) 4

Main Process Initiation. 4

Initial Session Scan. 4

Miasmic Layers. 5

Family Field Disturbance and Associated Entity Step. 8

Additional Session Scan. 8

Miasmatic Classifications. 8

Session Scan – Main Traditional Miasm Categories. 9

The Five New Miasms. 11

Deep Channel Clearing. 13

Flower Essence Step: 14

Comprehensive Miasmic Remedy List. 15

Entanglements and Triggers. 16

Family Constellation Matrix Step. 17

Call to Celestial Field Orientation Attunement Utility. 18

Call to ERPP Process if Indicated. 18

Conclusion, Clearing & Integration. 18

NG Guilt Release, Replacement & Modulation Process (GRRMP)


Pre-Process Steps and Instructions. 4

Impediments Utility Step. 4

Clearing Instructions. 4

Entities Step. 5

Fragment Connection Step. 5

Grounding Step. 5

Survival Switching Step. 5

Parent Imbalance Step. 5

Process Flow Intelligence. 6

Call for and Installation of EDOCAM Utility. 6

Call for and installation of ESSWFCR Utility. 6

Call to Celestial Field Orientation Attunement Utility. 6

Comprehensive Process Flow Compression and Auto Scheduling Instructions. 7

GMMP Process Initial Session Scans. 7

Guilt Component Session Scan. 7

Guilt Memory Element Session Scan. 7

Racial/Ancestral Memory Session Scan. 7

Negative and Positive Conscious Interference Rectification. 8

Unconscious to Conscious Awareness Guilt Migration Prep. 8

Guilt Expressions & Definitions Addressed. 8

Misperception of Harm to Others. 8

Physical Weight Misperception. 8

Obsessive/Compulsive Guilt Reaction/Component 9

Developmental Level Guilt 9

Moral Transgression as an Aspect of Guilt 9

Social Transgression as an Aspect of Guilt 9

Moral vs Social Transgression Delineation & Identification. 10

Self-Focus as an Aspect of Guilt 10

Not-Self is an Aspect of Guilt 10

Public/Other as an Aspect of Guilt 10

No Public/No Other as an Aspect of Guilt 11

Self-Denigration as an Aspect of Guilt and its Relationship to Shame.

Behavior/Activity as an Aspect of Guilt 11

Adaptivity as an Aspect of Guilt 12

Maladaptivity as an Aspect of Guilt 12

Remorse & Apology as an Aspect of Guilt 12

Reparation as an Aspect of Guilt 13

Trait-Like Aspects of Guilt 13

Specific Situational Guilt 13

Emotional Pain Aspects of Guilt 14

Responsibility as an Aspect of Guilt 14

Other Subtypes of Guilt Addressed. 15

Other Specific Characteristics Including Inhibition & Fear of Punishment 15

Conscious & Conscious/Unconscious Effect Aspects of Guilt. 15

Self-Punishment as a Defense. 15

Avoidance through Projection of the Superego. 16

Neurotic Guilt 16

Permission/Accomodation of Guilt-Free Release of Rage Toward Offenders. 16

Guilt Overreaction Behavior. 17

Over-Compensation Guilt Behavior. 17

Unnecessary/Inappropriate Guilt-Related Responsibility. 17

Conscious/Unconscious Emotional Content Neural Flow Reference.

Identification of Baseline Objectives and Retrocausality Contributions. 19

Simple Conscious/Unconscious Guilt Process Flow Reference. 19

Conscious Processing of Guilt Dislodged from the Unconscious Neural Structures. 20

14 Step Guilt Resolution within the Frontoparietal Cortex & Conscious Mind. 21

Defensive Guilt Motivated Unconscious/Conscious Decision Making.

Synchronization of the Spirit-Unconscious-Conscious Continuum.. 27

Universal Principles Embedded in the Spirit-Unconscious-Conscious Continuum.. 27

The Sum Total of Unconscious Effects Upon Conscious Thinking & Behavior. 27

Critical Unconscious Guilt Processing. 28

Session Scan of Unconscious Guilt through Violation of Universal Principles. 28

Unconscious Guilt Related to Childhood Trauma & Shaming. 28

Neural Structures Involved in Unconscious Processing. 29

Registration of Unconscious Guilt Effects Upon Total Performance & Decision Making. 31

Unconscious Guilt Effects on Processing Cues Below the Sensory Threshold. 32

Role of Hypothalamus in Neurotransmission and Guilt Related Emotions. 32

Potentially Relevant Hypothalamic Control & Neurotransmitter Production. 34

Unconscious Amygdalae, Hypothalamus & Neural Component Scan.

Incremental Movement of Unconscious Guilt Signatures from the Hypothalamus. 34

Incremental Movement of Unconscious Guilt Signatures from the Amygdalae. 35

Unconscious Perception & Filtering as it Relates to Guilt Processing.

Endocrine System Effects of Guilt. 36

Full Downstream or Cascade Endocrine System Effects of Unconscious Guilt 36

Generational Components of Guilt. 36

Generational Guilt Component in the DNA & Epigenetic Expression.

Generational Guilt Component in the Morphic & Family Energy Fields

Brain Wave Factors. 37

Dislodging Guilt Energy Signatures within the Unconscious Delta Brain Wave Band. 37

Facilitation of Delta/Gamma Brain Wave Synchrony via Release of Unconscious Guilt 37

Guilt Associated Paranoia/ASD/SPD.. 38

Paranoiac Behavioral Aspects of Guilt 38

Registration of Client/Host Paranoiac Hierarchy. 38

Social and Environmental Factors. 38

Pathopsychological Characteristics. 39

Intra-Psychic Conflict 39

Pathophysiological Guilt Turned Inward. 40

Pathological & Non-Pathological Forms of Trust & Distrust Parsed. 40

Child Developmental Social & Cognitive Factors. 41

Social Anxiety Disorder (ASD)/Social Phobia Disorder (SPD) 41

Adults Social Phobia & Links to Paranoia. 42

Clinical & Nonclinical Forms of Social Anxiety. 42

Social Anxiety Attention Bias Contribution to Paranoia. 43

Energetic Intervention of SPD as a Component and/or Contributor to Paranoia. 43

Pathophysiological Guilt Suppression & Associated Neural Structures & Systems. 44

Guilt as an Effective Anti-Change Agent. 44

Unconscious Guilt as a Change Agent Impediment 44

Concluding Guilt Release, Replacement & Modulation Process Steps.

Generic Guilt Material Integration & Processing. 45

Conclusions. 46

Final Process Objectives. 47

Call to ERPP Process if Indicated. 47

Final Clearing. 47


Family Field Light Infusion Process (FFLIP)


Pre-Process Steps and Instructions. 2

Entity Step. 2

Fragment Reconnection. 2

Grounding. 3

Parental Imbalance. 3

Optimum Flow Intelligence Request. 3

Call to the Energetic Direct Organ/Circuit Activation/Modulation Utility (EDOCAM). 3

Call to the Celestial Field Orientation Attunement Utility (CFOAU). 3

Scan & Identification of all Family Field Matrix Imbalances. 4

Scan & Identification of all External Sources of Family Field Matrix Imbalance. 5

All Ancestral/Mortal Threads Addressed. 6

All Necessary Audit Trails Identified & Activated. 6

Elimination of Contention, Bitterness and Lack of Forgiveness. 7

Honor of Ancestor’s Mortal Life Experiences & Glorious Potential 7

Ordinances also Necessary. 8

Conclusions and Further Reenactment Simulation. 8

Final Process Objectives. 9

Request for Divine Process Oversight. 9

Divine Order Replacement of Field Chaos & Entropy. 9

Call to Celestial Field Orientation Attunement Utility. 10

Call to ERPP Process if Indicated. 10

Final Clearing. 10


NG Gut-Brain Axis Coherence Process (GBAMP)


​​Pre-Process Instructions: 2

Entity Step. 2

Fragment Reconnection. 3

Grounding. 3

Parental Imbalance. 3

Optimum Flow Intelligence Request (HIPFC). 3

Call to the Energetic Direct Organ/Circuit Activation/Modulation Utility (EDOCAM). 3

Call to the Celestial Field Orientation Attunement Utility (CFOAU). 4

Initial Client/Host Intestinal Tract or Gut-Brain Axis (GBA) Element Scan and Registration. 4

Role of GBA Dysbiosis Addressed. 4

Bidirectional Client/Host Communication Networks. 4

Role of Cortisol in GBA.. 5

Microbiome Gut-Brain Axis (GBA) Structure and Function. 5

Role of Microbiota in GBA. 5

Directional Intestinal (Gut) Microbiota to Brain Neurology. 5

Microbiota Influence on Stress Reactivity. 6

Microbiota Effects of Targeting miRNA on Mood and Anxiety Modulated. 6

Microbiota Interaction with Brain Chemistry. 7

Microbial Mimic that Hijacks Diabetogenic Autoreactivity to Suppress Colitis. 7

Role of the Vagus Nerve. 7

Microbiota Influence via Afferent Sensory Nerves. 8

Principal Bidirectional Mechanisms of the Gut-Brain Axis (GBA). 8

Enteric Nervous System (ENS) the Target of Bacterial Metabolites. 8

Client/Host Sensitivity to Intestinal Enhancement Factors. 9

Microbiota Effects on Immune Activation and Dysbiosis. 9

The “Emotional Motor System” - Pain-Modulator Endogenous Pathways. 9

The Microbiota Effects Role of the Brain. 10

Further Effects and Interactions with Client/Host Stress Modulated.

Intestinal Permeability Identified, Monitored and Modulated. 10

Identification and Clearing of Client/Host Dysfunction “Story” Requirements. 11

GBA Participation in CNS, Peripheral and Heart-Brain Overall Order and Environment. 11

Concluding Client/Host Instructions. 12

Call to ERPP Process if Indicated. 12

Final Clearing. 12

Conclusion. 12

NG Heart-Brain Axis Coherence Process (HBACP)


Pre-Process Steps and Instructions. 2

Impediments Utility Step. 2

Clearing Instructions. 2

Entities Step. 3

Fragment Connection Step. 3

Grounding Step. 3

Survival Switching Step. 4

Parent Imbalance Step. 4

Process Flow Intelligence. 4

Call to the Energetic Direct Organ/Circuit Activation/Modulation Utility (EDOCAM). 4

Call to the Celestial Field Orientation Attunement Utility (CFOAU). 4

Call to Celestial Field Orientation Attunement Utility. 4

Initial Coherence within the Client/Host Brain Addressed. 5

CNS Cross Coherence in the Dendritic and Other Fields. 5

CNS Internal Conductor: Intralaminar Nuclei of the Thalamus 5

Appropriate Awareness and Network Coupling Addressed. 6

Optimization of Gamma Band Oscillation for Coherence. 6

Synchronization of Neural Discharges and Transient Networks. 7

Thalamic Oscillatory Rhythms and Long-Distance Phase-Synchrony.

The Client/Host Heart’s Complex Information Encoding and Processing. 7

Effect on Brain (CNS) of Cardiovascular Afferent Signals. 8

Influence of Heart on Perceptual and Cognitive Function. 8

Biochemical Interactions of the Heart Modulated. 9

Heart’s Production of Neurotransmitters Modulated. 9

Conditions Associated with Psychophysiological Coherence Mode 9

Heart Rhythm and Inter-beat Encoding. 10

Heart’s Biophysical Interactions and Coherence Objectives. 10

Complex Resonance Associated with Blood Pressure Waves. 10

Pressure Wave Interbeat Effects and Encoding. 11

Energetic Field/Wave Form Interactions. 11

Brain (CNS) and Heart Rhythms Synchronization Modulated. 11

Energetic/Informational Signatures of Psychophysiological Modes.

The Holographic Heart. 12

Holographic and Quantum Heart: Perception and Memory Processing. 13

Emergent Fundamental and Implicit Order Optimized and Modulated. 14

The Heart’s Rhythms and the Psychophysiological Modes. 14

Hyper-States and Process Support of the Psychophysiological Coherence Mode. 14

Effects on Cognitive Performance and Intentional Behavior. 15

Key Access Point: Heart’s Electromagnetic Fields and Wave Forms.

Energetic Heart Analogue Interaction. 16

Heart-Brain Participation in CNS, Peripheral, Enteric/Biome Order and Environment. 17

Conclusion. 17

Final Process Objectives. 17

Call to ERPP Process if Indicated. 18

Final Clearing. 18


NG Hippocampus/Amygdalae Modulation Process (H/AMP)


Objective & Instructions: 2

Pre-Process Steps and Instructions. 2

Impediments Utility Step. 2

Clearing Instructions. 2

Entities Step. 3

Fragment Reconnection Step. 3

Grounding Step. 3

Survival Switching Step. 4

Parental Imbalance Step. 4

Process Flow Intelligence. 4

Further Process Preparation. 4

Call to the Energetic Direct Organ/Circuit Activation/Modulation Utility (EDOCAM). 5

Call to the Celestial Field Orientation Attunement Utility (CFOAU).

Call to Emotional State, Stress & Wave Form Clearing/Reprocessing Utility (ESSWFC/RU). 5

Session Scan and Process Initiation. 5

Chakras and Meridian Channels Addressed. 6

Additional Session Scans. 6

Hippocampal (HP) CNS Functions. 6

HP Functional Connections Addressed. 7

Low Frequency HP Activity and Bidirectional Communication. 7

HP Effects on Brain-Wide Propagation and Coherence Addressed.

Types and Functions of Hippocampus Brain Wave Signals 8

Hippocampal Neurogenesis Controlled Brain Circuits. 11

Hippocampal – Heart Brain Coordination and Modulation. 12

Prioritized HP Content, Processing and Readily Accessible Storage. 12

NMT Baseline and Related Instructions. 13

Myelin, Cingulate Cortex, Amygdalae and Nucleus Accumbens Rectification. 13

Identification & Clearing of Residual Negative Amygdalae Emotional Data Signatures. 14

Further Identification of Clearing Data and Relevant Factors. 14

The Amygdalae, Heightened Awareness and Autonoetic Consciousness. 14

Energetic/Spiritual Auditory Pathway Blockage. 15

Additional Healing Considerations. 15

Final Assessment. 16

Call to ERPP Process if Indicated. 17

Conclusion and Clearing. 17

NG Male/Female Covenant Union Process (M/FCUP)


Pre-Process Steps and Instructions. 2

Impediments Utility Step. 2

Clearing Instructions. 2

Entities Step. 3

Fragment Connection Step. 3

Grounding Step. 3

Survival Switching Step. 3

Parent Imbalance Step. 3

Process Flow Intelligence. 4

Call for and Installation of EDOCAM Utility. 4

Call for and installation of ESSWFCR Utility. 4

Call to Celestial Field Orientation Attunement Utility (CFOAU). 4

Comprehensive Process Flow Compression and Auto Scheduling Instructions. 5

Initial Marriage/Partner Related Issues Session Scan. 5

Generational & Family Field Issues Session Scan. 5

Pre-Mortal Learning & Role Assignment Issues. 6

The Divine Order and the Garden. 6

Downstream Negative Lineal Effects. 7

Family Environmental & Political Issues Addressed. 7

The Unholy Trinity: Anger, Impatience & Frustration. 8

Spectrum of Betrayal 8

Developmental Synaptic Alternative or Deficit Issues. 8

Veil Closing Effects. 9

Effects of Cultural Mores on the Celestial Union. 9

Demonic Intrusions in Family Field & Client/Host Life Path. 9

Male DM/BT Divine Discrepancy Session Scan. 10

Divine Male Template Correlation & Discrepancy Identification. 10

Male Divine Rectification Repetition Cycle. 10

Female Divine Discrepancy Session Scan. 11

Master Template Correlation & Discrepancy Identification. 11

Female Divine Rectification Repetition Cycle. 12

Ego Mind vs Serving the Lord & the Other. 12

Unity in Opposites. 12

The Divine Triangle & Tests of Endurance. 13

Higher Energy Environments & Behavior. 13

Monitoring Thoughts. 14

The Ultimate Union. 14

Further Processing Steps & Quantum Retrocausality Effects. 14

Generational Material Integration & Processing. 15

Conclusions. 16

Final Process Objectives. 17

Call to ERPP Process if Indicated. 17

Final Clearing. 17

NG Life Purpose Process (LPP)


Pre-Process Steps and Instructions. 2

Impediments Utility Step. 2

Clearing Instructions. 2

Entities Step. 2

Fragment Reconnection Step. 2

Grounding Step. 3

Survival Switching Step. 3

Parental Balance Step. 3

Process Flow Intelligence. 3

Call to the Energetic Direct Organ/Circuit Activation/Modulation Utility (EDOCAM). 3

Call to the Celestial Field Orientation Attunement Utility (CFOAU). 4

Initial Session Scan. 4

Reverse Timeline Scan. 4

Additional Session Scan. 5

Obsessive and Closed Loop Mental/Spiritual Release. 5

Acquisition of Celestial Purpose. 6

Unconscious/Conscious Communication Hologram and Covenant Support. 6

IF Identification and Removal 6

Call to Celestial Field Orientation Attunement Utility. 7

Final Clearing. 7

Call to ERPP Process if Indicated. 7

Conclusion. 7

NG Light Acquisition Process (LAP)


Pre-Process Steps and Instructions. 2

Session Scan – EEI’s. 2

Fragment Reconnection. 3

Grounding. 3

Family Member Balancing. 3

Process Flow Intelligence. 3

Call to the Energetic Direct Organ/Circuit Activation/Modulation Utility (EDOCAM). 3

Call to the Celestial Field Orientation Attunement Utility (CFOAU). 3

Session Scan - Internal Personal Disturbance. 4

Session Scan - Ancestor Element Detection. 4

Ancestral Element Audit Trails. 4

Field Disturbance Prioritization. 4

Application of Other NG Processes and Clearing. 5

Session Scan - Light Acquisition Impediments. 5

Data Rendering in Form of IF’s. 6

Client ACS/OTC/Spirit Instructions. 6

Threshold Frequency Attainment Repetition Step. 6

Session Scan - Pre-Mortal Data. 7

Heavenly Father’s Foreknowledge. 7

Recycle Section and Clearing. 8

Further Client ACS/OTC Instruction. 8

Honor of Ancestor’s Mortal Life Experiences & Glorious Potential 8

Ordinances also Necessary. 9

Conclusions and Further Reenactment Simulation. 9

Final Process Objectives and Clearing. 10

Request for Divine Process Oversight. 10

Call to Celestial Field Orientation Attunement Utility. 11

Call to ERPP Process if Indicated. 11

Final Clearing and Scheduling. 11


Morphic Field Rectification & Modulation Process (MFRMP)


Pre-Process Steps and Instructions. 2

Impediments Utility Step. 2

Clearing Instructions. 2

Entities Step. 2

Fragment Connection Step. 2

Grounding Step. 3

Survival Switching Step. 3

Parent Imbalance Step. 3

Process Flow Intelligence. 3

Call for and Installation of EDOCAM Utility. 4

Call for and installation of ESSWFCR Utility. 4

Call to Celestial Field Orientation Attunement Utility (CFOAU). 4

Comprehensive Process Flow Compression & Auto Scheduling Instructions. 4

Initial Morphic Field Session Scan. 5

Real Time Information Discernment Filter Processing Step. 5

Historical Morphic Field Session Scan. 6

Divine Reality Alignment/Attunement Rectification Step. 7

Historical Information Discernment Filter Processing Step. 7

Life Purpose Morphic Field Enhancement and/or Creation Step. 7

Calling & Election Morphic Field Step. 7

Conclusions. 8

Final Process Objectives. 8

Call to ERPP Process if Indicated. 9

Final Clearing. 9

Modulation & Rescheduling. 9


NG Pain-Body Attractor Field Process (PB/AFP)


Definition: 2

Pre-Process Steps and Instructions. 2

Use of Clearing Statements. 2

Entities Step. 2

Fragment Step. 3

Grounding Step. 3

Survival Switching Step. 3

Parent Imbalance Correction. 3

Process Flow Intelligence. 4

Call for and Installation of EDOCAM Utility. 4

Call to the Celestial Field Orientation Attunement Utility (CFOAU). 4

Initial Session Scan. 4

Pre-Mortal & Generational Element Scan. 5

Accidents as an Attractor Field. 5

Determination of Attractor Field Strength. 6

The Pain Body as an Expression of Past Hurts & Trauma. 6

The Pain Body Also Feeds on the Self. 6

Pain Body Indications. 7

Scan & Clearing of Any Satanic/Demonic Agreements. 7

Demonic & Energetic Entity Effects Addressed. 8

The Pain Body Specifically Addressed. 8

Historical and Generalized Effects Addressed. 8

White Light Replacement. 9

Further Processing Steps & Quantum Retrocausality Effects. 9

Generational Material Integration & Processing. 10

Conclusions. 11

Final Process Objectives. 12

Call to ERPP Process if Indicated. 12

Final Clearing. 12


NG Pathologically Anchored Emotional Tone Process (PAETP)


​Pre-Process Steps and Instructions. 2

Generational Participation Addressed. 2

Impediments Step. 2

UCS Clearing Instructions. 2

Entities Step. 2

Fragment Step. 3

Grounding Step. 3

Survival Switching Step. 3

Parent Balance Step. 3

Process Flow Intelligence. 3

Call to the Energetic Direct Organ/Circuit Activation/Modulation Utility (EDOCAM). 4

Call to the Celestial Field Orientation Attunement Utility (CFOAU) 4

Process Objectives & Stage Set. 4

Initial Session Scan. 4

Information Passed to UCA NMT PAET Process. 4

Return of Process Flow to NG Modified PAET Process. 4

Pre-Mortal Contributory States & Origins Addressed. 5

Pre-Mortal Regression & Audit Trail 5

Conclusions & Reenactment Simulation. 5

Final Process Objectives. 6

Request for Divine Process Oversight. 6

Call to Celestial Field Orientation Attunement Utility. 6

Call to ERPP Process if Indicated. 7

Preparatory Clearing. 7

Cyclical Quantum Retrocausality Rectification Step. 7

Final Clearing. 8

Conclusion. 8


NG Personal & Family Myth Process (PFMP)


Myth Definition and Objective: 1

Pre-Process Steps and Instructions. 1

Generational Participation Addressed. 1

Impediments Step. 1

UCS Clearing Instructions. 1

Entities Step. 2

Fragment Step. 2

Grounding Step. 2

Survival Switching Step. 2

Parent Balance Step. 2

Process Flow Intelligence. 3

Call to the Energetic Direct Organ/Circuit Activation/Modulation Utility (EDOCAM). 3

Call to the Celestial Field Orientation Attunement Utility (CFOAU) 3

Process Objectives & Stage Set. 3

Initial Session Scan. 3

Refinement and Registration of Appropriate Data. 4

Prioritization of Mythological Behavior for Rectification Processing.

Congruence and Coherence of Life Purpose. 4

Total Energetic Environmental Landscape Changes Addressed. 4

Generational Contributions Addressed. 5

Final Process Objectives. 5

Request for Divine Process Oversight. 5

Call to ERPP Process if Indicated. 6

Preparatory Clearing. 6

Cyclical Quantum Retrocausality Rectification Step. 6

Final Clearing. 8

Conclusion. 8


NG Program/Implant Removal Process (P/IRP)


​Pre-Process Steps and Instructions. 2

Impediments Utility. 2

Clearing Statement Applications. 2

Entities Step. 2

Fragment Reconnection. 3

Grounding. 3

Switching Step. 3

Parental Imbalances Addressed. 3

Process Flow Intelligence. 3

Call to the Energetic Direct Organ/Circuit Activation/Modulation Utility (EDOCAM). 4

Call to the Celestial Field Orientation Attunement Utility (CFOAU). 4

Process Initiation and Session Scan. 4

Exhaustive Program/Implant Session Scan. 4

Limbic System Emotions Addressed. 4

Meridian Channels & Negative Emotional Elements. 5

Identification/Inclusion of Generational Components/ Participation. 5

Generational Effects from the Garden of Eden Addressed. 5

Codependence Identification and Rectification. 6

Codependency Session Scan. 7

Elemental and Auric Components Addressed. 8

Exogenous Factors Addressed. 8

Calls to Additional Processes & Extended Pathways. 8

Unconscious/Conscious Communication Hologram and Covenant Support. 9

DB/MT Monitoring. 9

Conclusion Preparation. 9

Call to Celestial Field Orientation Attunement Utility. 10

Call to ERPP Process if Indicated. 10

Final Clearing. 10

Conclusion. 10

NG Primal Fear Release Process (PFRP)


Objective: 2

Pre-Process Steps and Instructions. 2

Impediments Utility Step. 3

Clearing Instructions. 3

Entities Step. 3

Fragment Connection Step. 3

Grounding Step. 4

Survival Switching Step. 4

Parent Imbalance Step. 4

Process Flow Intelligence. 4

Call to the Energetic Direct Organ/Circuit Activation/Modulation Utility (EDOCAM). 4

Call to the Celestial Field Orientation Attunement Utility (CFOAU). 5

Initial Session Scan. 5

Additional Session Scan. 5

Identification of Root or Primal Fears. 5

Age of Recession/Regression. 6

Fear Extinction Procedure Instructions. 6

Function of Synaptic Plasticity. 6

Further Fear Extinction and Anxiety Modulation. 7

Extinction Context Relevance. 7

Role of Hippocampus and Memory. 8

Interface with Sensory/Motor Systems. 8

Long-Term Potentiation. 8

Working Memory. 9

Sensory Input Processing. 10

Declarative & Non-declarative Memory Function Optimization. 10

Hormonal Stress and Psychobiology. 11

Memory, Trauma and the Limbic System.. 12

PTSD.. 13

Role of Neuropeptide S [NPS] in Extinction. 13

Amygdala Neuron Switching. 14

Retraining and Normalization of Neurobiological Circuits. 15

Optimized and Balanced Neurotransmission. 16

CCM/DCC and LEAP SS/DSS Processing. 17

Acupoint Processing Scan and Application. 17

Organ Specific Fear and Anxiety Acupuncture Treatments. 17

HPA Axis Addressed. 20

Additional HPA Axis Material and Processes Modulation. 20

Anatomy and Key Elements of the HPA Axis. 21

Function of CRH Secretion. 22

Relationship of Stress and Disease. 22

Relationship of Stress and Development. 23

Altered Cortisol Rhythms. 23

Rectifying Adverse Permanent Calibration of the HPA Axis. 24

Results of Childhood Abuse. 24

Replacement of Fear with Hope, Trust & Love. 25

Healing Frequency & Unconscious Reenactment Application. 25

Call to Celestial Field Orientation Attunement Utility. 26

Call to ERPP Process if Indicated. 26

Clearing and Integration. 26

Conclusion. 26


NG Relationship Healing Process (RHP)


Pre-Process Steps. 2

Clearing Statement Instructions. 2

Entity Step. 2

Fragment Reconnection Step. 2

Grounding Step. 2

Parental Imbalance Step. 3

Process Flow Intelligence. 3

Call to the Energetic Direct Organ/Circuit Activation/Modulation Utility (EDOCAM). 3

Call to the Celestial Field Orientation Attunement Utility (CFOAU). 3

Spousal & Opposite Sex Data Session Scan. 3

Other Relationship Types Addressed. 4

Contention Rectification Session Scan & Modulation. 4

Clearing of Contention Signatures. 5

Cross-Spousal Session Scan. 5

Other Relationship Types Further Addressed. 5

Adam/Eve Covenant Considerations Session Scan. 6

Opposite Gender Influence or Involvement Scanned & Addressed. 7

Male/Female/Yin/Yang Imbalance Rectification. 7

Final Session Scan and Clearing. 8

Adam/Eve Covenant Possible Activation. 8

Call to Celestial Field Orientation Attunement Utility. 8

Call to ERPP Process if Indicated. 8

Conclusion. 9

NG Shame Release & Bipolar Modulation Process (SRBMP)


​Pre-Process Steps and Instructions. 2

Impediments Utility Step. 2

Clearing Instructions. 2

Entities Step. 3

Fragment Connection Step. 3

Grounding Step. 3

Survival Switching Step. 3

Parent Imbalance Step. 4

Process Flow Intelligence. 4

Call for and Installation of EDOCAM Utility. 4

Call for and installation of ESSWFCR Utility. 4

Call to Celestial Field Orientation Attunement Utility (CFOAU). 5

Comprehensive Process Flow Compression & Auto Scheduling Instructions. 5

Initial Session Scan. 5

Shame as a Self-Conscious Emotional State. 5

Shame Triggers & Attacks on Self. 6

Attacking Others or Relocation of Shame as an Induced Behavior. 6

Tendency to Affix Blame. 6

Generalization Effects of Blame and Self-Blame. 6

The Role of Shame in Narcissism.. 7

Shame as a Contagion. 7

Childhood Abuse as a Source of Shame. 7

Role of Childhood Neglect & Abuse. 7

Parental Shame Resulting from their Children’s Behavior. 8

Shaming of Children, OCD & Bipolar Disorder. 8

Function of Left Neural Hemispheric Participation. 8

Infantile Basic Shame, Neural Maldevelopment & Performance Effects. 9

Situations that Result in Devaluation of Self. 9

Associated Negative Emotions & Their Ill Effects. 10

Perceived Loss of Position in the Family/Tribe & Field Effects. 10

Self-Denigration as Avoidance of Public Shame/Pain. 10

Self-Evaluation Reinforced within the Environmental Context. 11

Genetic & Morphic Contribution Factors. 11

Energetic Attraction to Misfortune. 11

Shame that Hijacks Accountability. 12

Rationalization versus Reflection. 12

Pernicious Shame Lodged/Dislodged from 3rd Level of the Unconscious. 12

Low Frequency Generalized & Compartmentalized Effects. 13

Generic Shame Material Integration & Processing Step. 13

Conclusions. 14

Final Process Objectives. 15

Call to ERPP Process if Indicated. 15

Final Clearing. 15


NG Survival Switching/Deep Survival Switching Process (SS/DSSP)


If Survival Switching is indicated, please proceed. 1

Pre-Process Steps & Instructions. 1

Clearing and Process Flow Instructions. 1

Entities Step. 2

Grounding Step. 2

Fragment Reconnection Step. 2

Parental Imbalance Step. 2

Process Flow Intelligence. 3

Call to the Energetic Direct Organ/Circuit Activation/Modulation Utility (EDOCAM). 3

Call to the Celestial Field Orientation Attunement Utility (CFOAU). 3

Formal Survival Switching Process Steps. 3

Call to the EDDAA Utility. 4

Audit Trail and Age Regression/Recession. 4

Final Process Objectives. 4

Call to Celestial Field Orientation Attunement Utility. 5

Call to ERPP Process if Indicated. 5

Final Clearing. 5

Conclusion. 5

NG Spirit Hook Removal and Replacement Process (SHRRP)


NG Spirit Hook Removal and Replacement Process (SHRRP). 1

Pre-Process Steps and Instructions. 2

Impediments Utility Step. 2

Clearing Instructions. 2

Entities Step. 3

Fragment Reconnection Step. 3

Grounding Step. 3

Survival Switching Step. 3

Parent Balance Step. 4

Process Flow Intelligence. 4

Call to the Energetic Direct Organ/Circuit Activation/Modulation Utility (EDOCAM). 4

Call to the Celestial Field Orientation Attunement Utility (CFOAU). 4

Entity Origins Addressed. 4

Thoughts, Feelings, Beliefs & Intelligent Endogenous Entities. 5

Endogenous Transition to Exogenous Intelligent Entities – Stages 3-4.

Endogenous Transition to Exogenous Intelligent Entities – Stages 4-5.

Entity Audit Trails. 6

Exogenous Intelligence Session Scan. 6

Auditing, Registration & Ready Access Storage of all Relevant Data Sources and Hooks. 7

Identification of any Spirits Affecting Gender Confusion. 7

Prioritization Steps. 8

Client Environment Triggers Addressed. 8

Scan of Relevant Pre-Mortal Events and History of Entity Permissive Developments. 8

Identification of Full Energetic/Informational/Quantum Entity Support Context. 9

Removal of Full Energetic/Informational Entity Support Context. 9

Process Repetition Step as Required. 10

Generational, Family Field & Epigenetic Factors Addressed. 10

Consciousness & Quantum Effects Addressed. 10

Unconscious/Conscious Communication Hologram and Covenant Support. 10

Release of Bondage/Reestablishment of Agency. 11

Weaknesses into Strengths Addressed. 11

UCS Clearing. 12

Call to Celestial Field Orientation Attunement Utility. 12

Call to ERPP Process if Indicated. 12

Conclusion and Final Clearing. 12

NG Taming the Ego Mind Process (TEMP)


Ego Mind Definition: 3

Pre-Process Steps and Instructions. 3

Generational Participation Addressed. 3

Impediments Step. 3

UCS Clearing Instructions. 3

Entities Step. 4

Fragment Step. 4

Grounding Step. 4

Survival Switching Step. 5

Parent Balance Step. 5

Process Flow Intelligence. 5

Call to the Energetic Direct Organ/Circuit Activation/Modulation Utility (EDOCAM). 5

Call to the Celestial Field Orientation Attunement Utility (CFOAU). 5

Process Objectives & Process Stage Set. 5

Identification of Early Ego Mind Development. 6

Specific & General Veil Closing & Hypothalamic Effects. 6

Initial Ego Mind Dimensions Scan. 6

Identification of Ego Strength Components. 7

Identification & Prioritization of Dysfunctional Ego Protection Factors. 7

Appropriate Lifting of Ego Mind Protection Veil 7

Excess and/or Lack of Ego Strength. 7

Identification of Later Ego Mind Development. 8

Excessive Ego as Compensation for Poor Self-Esteem.. 8

Establishing Self-Esteem & Self-Worth Homeostasis. 9

Ego Protection of Trauma & Emotional Wound Triggers to 13 Generations.

Identification & Rectification of Issues Related to Conscious Mind Threshold Excess. 9

Identification & Rectification of Issues Related to Conscious Ego Mind Max Point. 10

Identification & Rectification of Issues Related to Unconscious Mind Threshold Excess. 10

Identification & Rectification of Issues Related to Unconscious Ego Mind Max Point. 11

Pre-Mortal Life Purpose Reality Reference. 11

Call to Necessary Life Path Reality Check. 11

Congruence & Coherence of Life Purpose. 12

Life Purpose & Life Path Congruence Step. 12

Retrocausality & Re-enactment Rectification Applied to Early Ego Mind Development. 12

Congruent & Coherent Evolution of Behavior. 14

Total Energetic Environmental Landscape Changes Addressed. 15

Enhanced Ego Mind Integration and Rescheduling. 15

Ego Mind vs Trust. 15

Additional Fears that Support Excessive Ego Mind Strength. 16

Spirit, Heart & Unconscious Mind Assurances. 16

Generational Contributions Addressed. 16

Resultant Higher Governance of Inter-Relationship Behavior. 17

Release & Repair of Ego Mind Damaged Relationships. 17

Awareness of Negative Effects Related to Erroneous Ego Mind Decisions. 17

Ego Mind Consequences Step. 18

Left Brain, Fear, Labeling, Ego Mind & Manipulation. 18

Salient Ego Mind Contributory Situations Audited. 19

Ego Mind Attributes Requiring Modification. 19

Relevance of Client/Host Striatum Anatomy & Neurophysiology. 19

Striatum as Decision Making Hub. 20

Role of Ventrolateral Frontal Cortex. 20

Hierarchical Striatum Cognitive Functions Addressed. 21

Coordination of Relevant Striatum Components. 21

Role of Neuronal Interactions. 22

Striatum & Benefits of Mindfulness. 22

Benefits of Expanding & Optimizing Competing Outcomes. 22

Role of Hormones & Neurotransmitters. 23

Hypothalamic Participation in Ego Mind Maintenance. 23

The Roles of Dopamine & Serotonin in Decision Making & Ego Mind Strength. 23

Further Serotonin Effects Addressed. 24

Satanic Deception Session Scan & Reality Check. 24

Informing the Ego Mind of its Waring Against God Versus Partnership. 25

Generational Material Integration & Processing. 26

Final Process Objectives. 27

Request for Divine Process Oversight. 27

Call to ERPP Process if Indicated. 28

Preparatory Clearing. 28

Final Clearing. 28

Conclusion. 28



Pre-Process Steps and Instructions. 2

Entities Step. 3

Fragment Reconnection Step. 3

Grounding. 3

Parental Imbalance Step. 3

Optimum Process Flow Application Intelligence Request. 4

Call to the Energetic Direct Organ/Circuit Activation/Modulation Utility (EDOCAM). 4

Call to the Celestial Field Orientation Attunement Utility (CFOAU). 4

Clearing and Process Flow Instructions of Roots and Permissive Mind/Body States. 4

Covenants and Agreements Addressed. 5

Standard Targets Process Portion. 5

Initial STP Session Scan. 5

Baseline Data and DM/BT Input Translation into Information Faults (IF’s). 6

STP Activation and Clearing. 6

STP/HPA Axis Process Transition. 6

Hypothalamic Pituitary Adrenal (HPA) Axis Diagramed. 6

HPA Axis Definition: 7

Initial HPA Axis Element Scan. 7

CRH and Vasopressin Transport Targets and Effects Addressed. 8

HPA Axis Feedback-Loops Initially Addressed. 8

Client/Host CRH Functions Addressed. 9

Anatomical Brain Connections and Pathways Addressed. 9

Alarm Reactions and Immune Response Addressed. 9

Some Glucocorticoid Levels and Functions Addressed. 9

HPA Related Stress and Disease Addressed. 10

Some HPA Stress Factors Addressed. 10

Scan for and Identification of Prenatal Stress Factors. 11

Altered Client/Host Stressor History Addressed. 11

Adult HPA Effects of Childhood Abuse Addressed. 12

The Glucocorticoid Receptor (GA) as Pivot of Depression. 12

HPA Related Depression States Diagnosis Defined. 13

HPA Related Molecular Basis of Depressive States Addressed. 13

CNS Neural Effects and Considerations Addressed. 13

Biological Correlates of Depression and Glucocorticoid Hormones 14

GA HPA Axis Effects and Hippocampal Neurogenesis Addressed. 15

Role of Glucocorticoid Receptor (GR) Addressed. 15

Functional Mechanisms of the GR Addressed. 15

HPA GR-Dependent Gene Transcription Addressed. 16

GA Gene Encoding and mRNA Splice Variants Addressed. 16

Types of Glucocorticoid Responsiveness Addressed. 17

MicroRNA Involvement in Regulation of GR Expression Addressed.

Some HPA Epigenetic Effects Addressed. 18

Periphery and CNS Involvement with GR and Depression 18

GR Environment Signaling and Function Homeostasis Maintenance Addressed. 19

Call to Celestial Field Orientation Attunement Utility. 19

Call to Exaltation Repentance Path Process if Indicated. 19

Final Process Objectives Prep. 19

Final Clearing. 20

NG Transgenerational Traumatic Memory Release Process (TTMRP)


Pre-Process Steps and Instructions. 1

Session Scan – EEI’s. 2

Fragment Reconnection. 2

Grounding. 2

Family Member Balancing. 2

Process Flow Intelligence. 3

Call to the Energetic Direct Organ/Circuit Activation/Modulation Utility (EDOCAM). 3

Call to the Celestial Field Orientation Attunement Utility (CFOAU) 3

Session Scan - Internal Personal Disturbance. 3

Session Scan – Traumatic Memory Elements. 3

Session Scan - Imprinted Versus Implanted Traumatic and/or Stealth Memories. 4

Session Scan – Exogenous Field Effects. 4

Session Scan – Traumatic Memory Linkages. 5

Monitoring of Somatic Traumatic Stress. 5

Session Scan – Generational Data. 5

Satanic Effects Addressed. 6

Traumatic Generated Fear Release. 6

Final Process Objectives and Clearing. 6

Call to Celestial Field Orientation Attunement Utility. 7

Call to ERPP Process if Indicated. 7

Request for Divine Process Oversight. 7

Final Clearing and Conclusion. 7


NG Whole System Congruence & Coherence Process (WSCCP)


If the Whole System Congruence & Coherence Process is indicated, please proceed. 4

Pre-Process Steps. 4

Pre-Process Instructions: 4

Entity Step. 4

Fragment Reconnection. 5

Grounding. 5

Parental Imbalance. 5

Optimum Flow Intelligence Request (HIPFC). 5

Call to the Energetic Direct Organ/Circuit Activation/Modulation Utility (EDOCAM). 5

Call to the Celestial Field Orientation Attunement Utility (CFOAU).

Section 1: 6

Client/Host Component Delineation Scan. 6

Client/Host Component Articulation Definitions. 6

Qualitative Factors. 6

The Spirit. 7

Client/Host/Spirit Scan. 7

Blockages of Divine Spirit Receptivity Installed in Infancy. 8

Removal of Spirit Blockages via Bearing of Divine Testimony. 8

Client/Host/Spirit Higher Order Receptivity Targets. 9

Unauthorized Source Identification Scan. 9

Satanic Element Identification and Rectification Scan. 9

Spirit Congruence and Coherence Scan. 10

Spirit Congruence and Coherence Correction. 10

Section 2: 10

The Heart. 10

Initial Client/Host Heart Scan. 10

Clearing Satanic Effects of Infantile Trauma-Induced Erroneous Beliefs about God. 11

Heart Communication Pathways and Descriptions Identified. 11

Heart Rate Variability (HRV) Identified for any Rectification. 11

INV Processing and Direction of Information. 12

Global Heart/Brain Neural Synchronization. 12

Intrinsic Cardiac Nervous System (INV) and the Heart-Brain Addressed. 13

Vital Intrinsic Nervous System (INS) Maintenance. 13

The Heart as a Hormonal Gland. 15

Heart Resilience Capacity Scan. 16

Processing of Stressful Emotions and Negative States of Mind. 16

Client/Host Domains of Resilience. 17

Higher Baseline of Heart Performance Addressed. 17

HRV as Self-Regulatory Capacity and Autonomic Function Indicator. 18

Self-Regulation of Cortical Systems. 19

Brain Structures Involved in Heart Rhythm Modulation. 20

Cortex and Cingulate Gyrus and Neural Self-Regulation/Imbalances Addressed. 21

The Central Autonomic Network (CAN) Function. 21

Emotional Factors Effecting Order/Disorder in Regulatory Systems. 21

Vagal Regulation and Response to Sensory Input. 22

Efferent Mechanosensitive/Chemosensitive Neural Activity Integration. 22

Heart Rate and Sympathetic/Parasympathetic Balance Modulation. 23

Client/Host Definitive/Entirety Heart Scan. 23

​Scan Inclusion of TCM and Other Energy Systems. 23

​Vibrational Healing Systems (VHS) Heart/Pericardium Channels Application. 23

Higher Frequency Data (HFD) Throughput Rectification. 24

Satanic Element Identification and Rectification Scan. 24

Client/Host Pride Quotient Identification Scan and Release. 24

Heart Congruence and Coherence Scan. 25

Physiological and Wave Form Coherence Scan. 25

Heart Congruence and Coherence Correction. 25

Client/Host Effect/Affect on the Larger World. 26

Intestinal Nervous System.. 26

Role of the Gut-Brain Axis (GBA). 26

GBA Crosstalk Interaction with Broader Mind/Body Components.

Microbiome Gut-Brain Axis Structure. 28

GBA GABA Regulation Role Addressed. 28

VHS Small Intestine/Large Intestine Channels Application. 28

Intestinal and GBA Axis Congruence and Coherence Scan. 29

INS Physiological and Wave Form Coherence Scan. 29

Intestinal GBA Axis Congruence and Coherence Correction. 29

General Biological Encoding of Information Addressed. 30

Section 3: 31

Unconscious/Subconscious Mind. 31

Initial Client/Host Conscious/Subconscious Scan. 31

Level 3. 31

Level 2. 31

Level 1. 32

Unconscious/Subconscious Congruence and Coherence Scan. 32

Physiological and Wave Form Coherence Scan. 32

Conscious/Unconscious Congruence and Coherence Correction.

Section 4: 33

Conscious Mind and the CNS. 33

Conscious Mind Frequency Range Scan. 33

Coherence Correlation with ANS Neural and Glial Functions. 33

Conscious Thought Stream Congruence with other Elements. 34

Congruence and Coherence with Higher Powers. 34

Lower Conscious Mind Frequencies Addressed. 34

Final Satanic Element Identification and Rectification Scan. 34

Section 5: 35

Geophysical Aspects Addressed. 35

Initial Geophysical & Other Relevant Energy Session Scan. 35

Data Profile Acquisition Period Addressed. 35

Internal System Impact Scan. 36

Prioritized Elements Addressed. 36

Incompatibilities Addressed. 36

Electromagnetic Elements Scan. 36

Atomic Radiation Impact Addressed. 37

Optimized Restoration of Structure & Function. 37

Full Range of Relevant Energetic Disturbances Addressed. 37

Energy Fields Conclusion Preparation. 38

Overall and Ultimate Congruence and Coherence. 38

Final Global Coherence Step. 38

Final Global Congruence Step. 39

Conclusion Preparation. 39

Call to Celestial Field Orientation Attunement Utility. 39

Call to ERPP Process if Indicated. 40

Final Clearing. 40

Conclusion. 40

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