Including Research & Scientific Support
If you wish to understand the universe, think of energy, frequency and vibration Nikola Tesla
Heal Body, Mind, Spirit, Family Tree

Change History - Reclaim Agency - Release the Future
The Empath Process Explained
Generally speaking Empaths are highly sensitive individuals, who have a keen ability to sense what people around them are thinking and feeling. They may also have a great deal of empathy, often to the point of taking on the pain of others at their own expense. At times it may even be difficult for Empath's to tell if they are feeling their own own emotions or someone else's. However, many people who may not normally be considered Empaths can also affected by other person's energies and even, interestingly, by the energies associated with fictitious and imaginary creations of persons and various constituent groups. This process not only assists those of an Empathic nature or susceptibility to be shielded and liberated from harmful energies it also has emerged as a form of assisted deliverance from the ill effects of the confining fictitious creations of our own imaginations.
Creation of Fictional People as a Personal Metaphor
When we created the Empath Process it was with the intention of assisting to clear the negative effects of energetic encroachment of specific persons or groups of persons into the operational energetic life space of the client. Some people are very sensitive to the energies of those persons in their proximity or with whom they may deal in their daily affairs or even from lingering effects of past or historical experience.
However, we eventually found ourselves having to assist clients from the negative effects of persons, groups of persons or things and situations that were not actually real. These were people, groups or things created within and by the client’s imagination that were generally found to have a constraining effect upon their health and progress.
These fictitious creations often become metaphors by which the subject unconsciously defines himself/herself. A metaphor can be a good thing if it accurately distills some aspect of life into a simpler construct that is more easily understood. An example of a metaphor that provides useful prospective is Shakespeare’s famous statement, “All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players.” [1]
However, in the realm of health and wellness, in which we are dealing, we have found that people have a sort of Shakespearean stage within their mind, often predominantly in the unconscious, on which metaphorical actors perform certain almost ritual functions and portrayals. These characterizations may have beneficial effect but too often do not. For example, one person with whom we worked had created a fictitious person that had strengths in areas in which she perceived her own personal weaknesses. This more perfect person, instead of being embraced as a goal to work towards was, rather, used to castigate herself against. This is, we have found, not unique.
These metaphorical persons or groups of persons are often employed to keep us locked within a certain mindset. If, for example, I change my hair style or wear an outlandish tie, I may wonder what will people think of me? So then, exactly who are these people I am thinking about? Unless they are certain individuals in my environment, they are more likely a fictitious group I have created to pass some kind of judgment on me. Our thoughts and feelings about what people think of us are often determined or at least conditioned by some metaphorical fictitious group of theoretical people “out there,” while actually “out there” only in some level of our unconscious mind.
These metaphorical personalities often take the form of classical Carl Jung archetypes such as the martyr, the victim or the hero. Though there are powerful reasons for the existence of classical archetypes and Hollywood would be bereft without them, our personal metaphors don’t have to be classical archetypes, or they can be a combination or they can be something totally unique. The point is that we create governing personas that lock us into counterproductive behavior slots that compartmentalize our lives and our Divine potential. (e.g. What have we done with our talents?) And we play out our lives within the program associated with and controlled by the metaphor—often to our detriment and to the detriment of the world for lack of what could be our more superior contribution.
Who Would I Be Without My Story?
There is a book written by Katie Bronson entitled, Who Would I be Without My Story? This is a question we all might ask ourselves. Exactly how does our story serve us? What does it protect us from doing, or rather, what does it prevent us from doing? How accurate is the metaphor of our life story to this point? Does it empower us? Or does it imprison us? Following is a relevant passage from Marianne Williamson:
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us...Playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do. It's not just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own lights shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others." [2]
Our work might be considered a form of intercession that liberates by increasing access to personal agency and the attributes that reside within the divine embryo that was and is us. It was the 1950's cartoon character, Pogo, who made famous the parody, "We have met the enemy, and he is us." And though there are external forces that are also most constantly operating upon us, often in negative fashion, we can be our own liberators by changing thought and related behavior patterns, but most especially if we allow a Higher Will to assist and direct. In this regard, please see the notes on the Ego Mind.